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Sustainable Resource Management

The content of this Pathway has been agreed by Energy and Utility Skills. This is the only Sustainable Resource Management Apprenticeship Pathway in the Energy sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 25/09/2014 ACW Framework No.: FR03105

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualifications,
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off the job training

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Pathway Sustainable Resource Management is 60 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway Sustainable Resource Management is 88 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 4 Pathway Sustainable Resource Operations and Management is 111 credits.


Entry requirements

The Apprenticeship in Sustainable Resource Management is open to individuals of any age and does not impose any restrictions to entry. Responsibility for selection and recruitment of apprentices lies with the employer who will have a clear idea of their requirements.

Individuals with the following characteristics and attributes are likely to be suitable for this Apprenticeship:

  • The waste management industry is potentially very dangerous so the safety of apprentices, their work colleagues and the public are of the upmost importance in this job. Apprentices must be very safety conscious and have a very responsible attitude to work, working in accordance with company health and safety procedures at all times. Apprentices must be prepared to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when required.
  • These may be physically demanding jobs that involve bending, lifting and manual handling so a basic level of fitness is important to be able to conduct the job efficiently. Many of these jobs involve work outdoors, so apprentices should be prepared to work in any kind of weather.
  • Some job roles will require shift work to ensure plant and equipment is operational 24 hours a day. Apprentices therefore need to be adaptable and flexible.
  • A driving licence is desirable.
  • Most of these job roles involve dealing with the general public on a day-to-day basis so apprentices should be presentable and have a polite and courteous manner. Apprentices will need excellent verbal communication skills and be able to provide a good level of customer care.
  • Ability to work as part of a team.
  • Ability to perform a range of tasks and duties under direction from management Ability to operate machinery and equipment which you have received training on. Clean and tidy by nature with good self-discipline and timekeeping.
  • Apprentices will need a standard of numeracy and literacy skills that will enable them to successfully complete the qualifications included within this Apprenticeship.
  • Basic computer keyboard skills.
  • Ability to carry out instructions and requests with accuracy and effectiveness.

Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 2: Sustainable Resource Management

Level 2: Sustainable Resource Management Qualifications

Participants must achieve one of the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Level 2 Diploma for Sustainable Waste Management Operative (Waste Site Operative)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0237/2 501/1478/5 37 370 Competence English Only
Level 2 Diploma for Sustainable Recycling Activities
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0291/2 501/2182/0 37 370 Competence English Only
Level 2 Certificate for Sustainable Waste Management Operative
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0237/6 501/1855/9 33 330 Competence English Only
Level 2 Certificate in Principles of Sustainable Resource Management
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0237/0 501/1357/4 19 190 Knowledge English Only

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 2: Sustainable Resource Management Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 1 6
Application of number 1 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 2: Sustainable Resource Management 144 166
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

33 credits/144 hours - competence qualification

19 credit/190 hours - knowledge qualification

507 learning hours must be completed.

The industry would expect the Level 2 Apprenticeship to take 22 months to complete.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number

Level 3: Sustainable Resource Management

Level 3: Sustainable Resource Management Qualifications

Participants must achieve one of the following competence and knowledge qualifications below

Level 3 Diploma for Sustainable Recycling Activities (Supervisory)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0291/3 501/2185/6 46 460 Competence English Only
Level 3 Diploma for Waste Supervisor
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0237/7 501/1853/5 59 590 Competence English Only
Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Sustainable Resource Management
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
City & Guilds C00/0301/1 501/2343/9 32 320 Knowledge English Only
WAMITAB C00/0236/9 501/1421/9 32 320 Knowledge English Only

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 3: Sustainable Resource Management Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 1 6
Application of number 1 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 3: Sustainable Resource Management 272 211
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

46 credits/248 hours - competence qualification

32 credits/295 hours - knowledge qualification

687 learning hours must be completed.

The industry would expect the Apprenticeship to take 30 months to complete. 

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number

Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management

Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management Qualifications

Participants must achieve one of the following combined qualifications below

Level 4 Diploma In Systems and Operations Management
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0533/8 600/8139/9 107 1070 Combined English Only
Level 4 WAMITAB Diploma in Systems and Operations Management: Small Scale Operations
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
WAMITAB C00/0533/7 600/8103/X 99 990 Combined English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management 274 213
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

99 credits/561 hours - combined knowledge and competence qualification

710 learning hours must be completed

The Industry would expect the Higher Apprenticeship to take 36 months to complete.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/45 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number

Other additional requirements


Job roles

The latest version of the job roles and job descriptions for this Pathway can be found below

Level 2

Job TitleJob Role
Reuse DriverDriving the reuse collection vehicle and the loading and unloading of materials.

Reuse Collection



Collect, loading and unloading of reuse materials. Manual handling usually plays a significant part. Involves contact with the public and provision of advice on reuse and recycling activities. Sort goods and select items for reuse.
Reuse OperativeManual handling usually plays a significant part. Involves contact with the public and providing advice on reuse and recycling activities. Sort goods and select items for reuse.
Reuse Sales OperativeManual handling usually plays a significant part. Involves contact with the public and providing advice on reuse and recycling activities. Sort goods and select items for resale and reuse.

Manual / Mechanical

Street Cleanser

Removing waste and detritus from pedestrian areas, grass verges, parks, roads and pavements. Could be performed manually or through the use of mechanised equipment.

Recyclables Collection


Driving the recyclables collection vehicle and the loading and unloading of material.


Waste Collection DriverDriving the refuse collection vehicle and the loading and unloading of material.

Refuse Collection


Loading and unloading of waste as part of a kerbside collection team. Manual handling usually plays a significant part. Involves contact with the public and providing advice on recycling activities.
Weighbridge Operative

Operation of the weighbridge and associated administrative duties.


Transfer Station OperativeInvolves both manual and mechanical handling of waste and transfer to containers for processing. May involve some sorting and re-processing.
Compost OperativeInvolves both manual and mechanical handling of green waste and transfers to containers for processing. May involve some sorting and reprocessing.

Materials Recycling

Facility Operative


Recycling Operative

(Reception &



This is normally a manual occupation and involves the abstraction of selected material from mixed waste and recyclables.

Household Waste

Recycling Centre

(HWRC) Operative

Maintains HWRC (civic amenity) sites in an orderly and tidy state. Will assist manually and/or mechanically in the loading and offloading of materials and containers. Involves directing the general public on the best practice for sorting waste and recyclables.

Recycling Operative

(Waste Electrical and

Electronic Equipment -


Collection, sorting and segregation of WEEE. Responsible for routine operations that may involve a number of tasks i.e. sorting, disassembly, cleaning, component retrieval.

Recyclables Collection


Loading and unloading of recyclables as part of a kerbside collection team. Manual handling usually plays a significant part. Involves contact with the public and providing advice on recycling activities.
Team LeaderManaging the day-to-day operational activities of a small team


Level 3

Job TitleJob Role
Reuse SupervisorSupervising reuse operations including collections, storing, sorting and sales activities.


Collection Supervisor

(Team Leader)

Responsible for over-seeing the work of one or more teams on Recycling / refuse collection operations. Motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key to this role.

Transfer Station



Responsible for day-to-day supervision of operations at a transfer station including maintaining compliance with health and safety and environmental standards. Supervising work teams is central to the role.

Treatment (Physical/

Chemical/ Thermal)



Responsible for overseeing the work of one or more teams on treatment plant operations. Motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key to this role.

Biological Treatment (In

Vessel Composting/

Open Windrow/

Anaerobic Digestion)


Responsible for overseeing the work of one or more teams on biological treatment operations. Motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key to this role. This role includes a range of technical support operations.

Materials Recycling

Facility (MRF)/

Household Waste

Recycling Centre


Responsible for overseeing the work of one of more teams on a MRF / HWRC site. Motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key to this role. One of the key features of this role is to ensure efficient and effective plant operation.
Landfill SupervisorResponsible for overseeing day to day operations on a landfill site. Motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key to this role. A key feature of this job is interfacing with customers, regulators, local residents and other interested parties.
Sustainability OfficerThis role involves considering all aspects of environmental management in an organisation, including management systems, sustainable procurement, looking at waste minimisation and the best ways to treat waste and recyclables following the waste hierarchy and other principles


Level 4

Job TitleJob Role

Fleet Manager


Managing the fleet of collection vehicles. Responsible for procurement activities such as maintenance service contracts, asset management, process optimisation, finance and aspects of leadership.

Refuse Manager


Managing refuse operations including collections, storage, sorting and sales activities. Responsible for procurement activities such as maintenance service contracts, consumable materials, equipment and recyclable waste, asset management, process optimisation, finance and aspects of leadership.

Refuse Collection



Management of refuse collection operations - Responsible for procurement activities i.e. maintenance service contracts, equipment and recyclable waste, asset management, process optimisation, finance and aspects of leadership. Managing and motivating staff and maintaining high standards are key.

Transfer Station



Management of all operations at a transfer station including maintaining compliance with health and safety and environmental standards.  Responsible for procurement activities i.e. maintenance service contracts, consumable materials, equipment, asset management, process optimisation.

Household Waste

Recycling Centre

(HWRC) Manager

Management of all operations on a HWRC site. Responsible for procurement activities such as maintenance service contracts, consumable materials, equipment and recyclable waste, asset management, process optimisation, finance and aspects of leadership.

Landfill Manager


Management of all operations on a landfill site. Responsible for procurement activities such as maintenance service contracts, process optimisation and aspects of leadership. A key feature of this job is interfacing with customers, regulators, local residents and other interested parties.
Sustainability ManagerManagement of all aspects of environmental management in an organisation, including management systems, sustainable procurement, looking at waste minimisation and the best ways to treat waste and recyclables following the waste hierarchy and other principles.


Level 2: Sustainable Resource Management

Progression routes into the pathway:

Applicants may come from a range of routes including:

  • Work or work experience
  • Training and/or experience which could include a portfolio showing what they have done
  • Academic qualification(s) such as the Welsh Baccalaureate
  • Achievement of Essential Skills Wales
  • Successful completion of a Young Apprenticeship

Progression routes out of the pathway:

On completion of the Foundation Apprenticeship under normal circumstances graduate apprentices may continue to work as a competent operative in their current job role.

Completion of the Level 2 Apprenticeship supports progression onto the Level 3 Apprenticeship in Sustainable Resource Management. Graduate apprentices can also progress horizontally within the industry to complete competence qualifications at the same level or complete components of the Apprenticeship such as level 3 competence units relevant to the job role.

Level 3: Sustainable Resource Management

Progression routes into the pathway:

Applicants may come from a range of routes including:

  • Foundation Apprenticeship in Sustainable Resource Management
  • Work or work experience
  • Training and/or experience which could include a portfolio showing what they have done
  • Academic qualification(s) such as the Welsh Baccalaureate
  • Achievement of Essential Skills Wales
  • Successful completion of a Young Apprenticeship

Progression routes out of the pathway:

On completion of the Apprenticeship and under normal circumstances graduate apprentices may continue to work as a competent operative in their current job role.

Progression will depend on the performance and motivation of the individual and the Vacancies / opportunities available within the company. It is possible for supervisors to move across to other industry areas or to become the managers of the future. For these individuals, opportunities to achieve further qualifications, which might include a level 4 competence based qualification, will be available.

Graduate apprentices could progress to complete the following qualifications:

  • Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Certificate in First Line Management with Wastes
  • Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Wastes Management
  • Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Sustainable Waste and Environmental Management
  • Level 5 Diploma in Professional Studies (Resource and Waste Management)

Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management

Progression routes into the industry:

Applicants may come from a range of routes including:

  • Successful completion of the Level 3 Apprenticeship in Sustainable Resource Management
  • Level 3 competence or knowledge qualifications
  • Relevant work or work experience
  • Academic qualifications such as GCSEs or A levels
  • Candidates currently employed in the industry but seeking a career change or up-skilling.

Progression routes out of the pathway:

On completion of the Higher Apprenticeship, apprentices will continue to work as a competent a manager in their current job role.

Completion of the Higher Apprenticeship supports progression to higher level job roles such as Area / Regional Operations Manager, Business Manager, or Facilities Commissioning / Decommissioning Manager.

It is possible for managers to move across to other industry areas or to achieve further qualifications which might include one of the following qualifications recognised by the Chartered Institute of Wastes Management.

  • BSc Environmental Science (Wastes)
  • BSc Waste Management
  • FdSc Waste Management
  • HNC Wastes Management
  • Diploma in Professional Studies (Waste and Resource Management)
  • Certificate in Recycling for Sustainability
  • Certificate in Food Industry Waste and Resource Solutions
  • Certificate in Waste and Resource Optimisation in Food Processing
  • Certificate in Wastes Management
  • MSc Waste and Resource Management
  • MSc Sustainable Waste Management
  • MSc Waste and Clean Technologies
  • PGCert in Energy & Fuels from Waste

For full details of qualifications supported or accredited by CIWM please refer to ications.aspx

Equality and diversity

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.

Training providers and employers must also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.


The waste management industry is affected by a gender imbalance with females constituting only 19% of the workforce compared to the 43% UK average. In addition, only 4% of the waste management industry workforce is Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic  compared to 8% of the UK workforce.

Barriers to entry and progression:

Unfounded social perceptions about the suitability of job roles within the industry for women provide the only barrier to entry and progression for these under-represented groups.

Solutions to entry and progression:

Apprenticeships are seen as a vital route to encourage and facilitate a greater diversity of individuals into the industry. This Apprenticeship does not discriminate. Employers/providers must be able to demonstrate that there are no overt or covert discriminatory practices in selection and employment.

All promotional, selection and training activities must comply with relevant legislation in particular, the Equality Act 2010.  Equal opportunities policies and procedures will contribute to the Employee Rights and Responsibilities component of this Apprenticeship.

The larger employers in the industry are actively involved in initiatives to increase the representation of women and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic in the industry.

Energy & Utility Skills will support these initiatives by promoting specifically to these groups. Take up will be monitored through analysis of statistical returns from internal registration data. Where questions arise concerning policy and practice, Energy & Utility Skills will work to identify causes and to implement positive action where appropriate.

EU Skills will continue to host stands at careers fairs where we can promote this Apprenticeship to all groups. In addition we have developed a number of case studies of successful women working in the sector which we are using to encourage new female entrants.

These case studies can be accessed at:

Employment responsibilities and rights

Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory.  But it is recommended that all apprentices (especially the 16 years -18 year group) receive a company induction programme.


It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of this pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr

Annex 1 Sustainable Resource Operations and Management - Level 4

Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications

Apprentices must complete either qualification B1 or B2.

The chosen qualification must reflect the apprentices job role and the facility where they work. The qualifications underpin all job roles described in the job role section, however the appropriate choice depends on the size of the facility where the apprentice works.

Qualification B1 is designed for learners working at larger scales facilities who have more specialised functional job roles related to management of operations.

Qualification B2 is designed for learners working at smaller scale facilities who, whilst managing operations, will have a broader range of responsibilities and will need a more flexible range of knowledge and skills to reflect these this.

For example, in a large scale facility a site manager would typically have budgetary control but a colleague would manage spend and procurement.


Annex 1 - Level 4: Sustainable Resource Operations and Management

Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications

Apprentices must complete either qualification B1 or B2.

The chosen qualification must reflect the apprentices job role and the facility where they work. The qualifications underpin all job roles described in the job role section, however the appropriate choice depends on the size of the facility where the apprentice works.

Qualification B1 is designed for learners working at larger scales facilities who have more specialised functional job roles related to management of operations.

Qualification B2 is designed for learners working at smaller scale facilities who, whilst managing operations, will have a broader range of responsibilities and will need a more flexible range of knowledge and skills to reflect these this.

For example, in a large scale facility a site manager would typically have budgetary control but a colleague would manage spend and procurement.

Document revisions

22 November 2021