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Fashion & Textiles

The content of this Pathway has been agreed by UK Fashion & Textile Association (UKFT). This is the only Fashion and Textiles Apprenticeship Pathway in the Creative, Design and Media sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 23/09/2022 ACW Framework No.: FR05047

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualifications,
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off-the-job training

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) is 65 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products) is 56 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) is 92 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Apparel) is 96 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring) is 100 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 4 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles) is 108 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 4 Pathway in Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing) is 108 credits.

Aims and objectives for this Pathway:

  • to improve the perception of the sector to young people and parents;
  • assist sector employers to address an ageing workforce;
  • provide an entry route for underrepresented groups;
  • allow employers to add value to their organisations by bringing in new staff to utilise existing techniques and technologies;
  • provide a stream of employees equipped with the manufacturing skills required for the future;
  • equip new entrants with the transferable soft and technical skills;
  • provide flexible routes into a wide variety of job roles in the industry, and into higher level training and education.
  • support and promote long term careers and opportunities
  • promote and uplift the specific skills requirements i.e. recognise the specific/niche level skills of the industry. 


Entry requirements

The fundamental entry condition is the candidate’s ability to thrive and achieve their potential within the Fashion and Textiles Apprenticeship Pathway and levels. Employers are encouraged to get involved in the recruitment and selection stages, to ensure they get to know the apprentices before their employment. The demonstration of relevant, transferable prior learning will form an important part of any employer's apprentice selection process.

Apprenticeship applicants are welcomed from a range of diverse backgrounds and it is anticipated that they may have a range of differing experiences, achievements and/or qualifications. Candidates without prior qualifications may be able to demonstrate the prior skills and knowledge they have developed as a result of relevant employment or voluntary activities. However, there is no specific qualifying period set as an entry condition.

New entrants in the Fashion & Textiles sector must have an understanding and appreciation of different technologies, alongside general knowledge and 'soft' skills, including the capacity to work efficiently and in teams.

Employers are looking for work-ready individuals who:

  • strive to become productive in their role;
  • maintain a positive attitude to work;
  • have strong communication skills; and,
  • have a good understanding of upskilling/progression opportunities in their chosen profession (if/when required).

Career success in the fashion and textiles sector requires a strong passion for the subject area. Candidates wishing to take up this Pathway will have demonstrated to the provider/employer:

  • evidence of prior experience relevant to their proposed field of study; OR
  • the ability to study at Level 2, 3 or 4 as appropriate; OR
  • agreed support from an employer or mentor with a demonstration of the candidate's commitment to learn (by evidencing progression to date or providing an agreed training plan)

These types of evidence are highly valued by employers who will want to gain an understanding of the apprentice’s talent and aptitude. It is important that initial assessments are used effectively to attract and retain apprentices who are committed to working in the fashion and textiles sector but who may not hold formal qualifications.

Prior experience for entry

There are no specific qualification requirements for entry onto the Fashion and Textiles (Wales) Pathway, but examples of qualifications that may provide a useful grounding have been identified. For further details of these qualifications please see the progression section for the appropriate Pathway.

Non-accredited prior learning related to the fashion and textile industry may provide useful progression routes into the Pathway as it will demonstrate an interest in the area e.g. Voluntary or unpaid employment in a fashion and textiles role, and relevant training in areas such as designing, costing or creating a fashion and textiles related product.

It is important that training providers identify as early as possible whether candidates have disabilities or particular difficulties that will put them at a disadvantage in the assessment situation and select an appropriate choice of qualification units or adjustment that will allow them to demonstrate attainment.

Processes exist to ensure that candidates with prior knowledge, qualifications and experience are not disadvantaged by having to repeat their learning. Training providers and awarding organisations will be able to advise on the current rules for accrediting prior learning and recognising prior experience.

If candidates already have one of the knowledge qualifications listed in the Pathway (at the appropriate level), before starting on their Apprenticeship, they do not have to retake the qualification, providing they have achieved this within the last two years of starting the Apprenticeship.

If candidates have already achieved one of the vocational qualifications before starting the Apprenticeship, they do not have to retake the qualification, providing it was achieved within the last two years of starting the Apprenticeship. These restrictions have been applied due to the fast moving nature of technology within the sector.


Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles)

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products (Textiles Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/2 610/1052/2 27 270 (180 GLH) Competence English Only
Level 2 Certificate in Fashion and Textiles Production (Textiles Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/5 610/1053/4 21 210 (180 GLH) Knowledge English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the vocational qualifications.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 1 6
Application of number 1 6
Digital literacy 1 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) 194 396
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence qualification - 180 hrs

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products (Textile Products Pathway) - 27 Credits (180GLH).

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 14 hrs

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge qualification – 180 hrs

Level 2 Certificate in Fashion and Textiles Production (Textile Pathway) - Knowledge Qualification - 21 Credits (180GLH).

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 36hrs

*Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 50 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the-job training hours for the 12-month programme is 590 hours

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products)

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products (Sewn Products Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/2 610/1052/2 18 180 (110 GLH) Competence English Only
Level 2 Certificate in Fashion and Textiles Production (Sewn Products Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/5 610/1053/4 21 210 (180 GLH) Knowledge English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the vocational qualifications.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 1 6
Application of number 1 6
Digital literacy 1 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products) 124 396
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence qualification - 110 hrs

Level 2 NVQ Certificate in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products (Sewn Products Pathway) - Competence Qualification - 18 Credits (110GLH)

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 14 hrs

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge qualification – 180 hrs

Level 2 Certificate in Fashion and Textiles Production (Sewn Products Pathway) - Knowledge Qualification - 21 Credits (180GLH).

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 36hrs

*Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 50 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the-job training hours for the 12-month programme is 520 hours.


On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Textiles Manufacture
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/3 610/1054/6 37 370 (220 GLH) Competence English Only
Level 3 Diploma in Textiles Technology
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/4634/4 610/1055/8 37 370 Knowledge English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the vocational qualifications.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles) 248 512
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence qualification - 220 hrs

Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Textiles Manufacture – Competence - 37 Credits (220GLH)

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 28 hrs

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge qualification – 180 hrs

Level 3 Diploma in Textiles Technology – Knowledge - 37 Credits (260GLH)

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 72hrs

*Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 50 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the- job training hours for the 24-month programme is 760 hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Apparel)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Apparel) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below

Level 3 Certificate in Apparel Manufacturing Technology (Apparel Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0122/9 500/5454/5 33 330 (200 GLH) Competence English Only
Level 3 Diploma in Apparel, Footwear or Leather Production (Apparel Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0233/4 501/0088/9 45 450 Knowledge English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the vocational qualifications.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Apparel) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Apparel) 228 522
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

On-the –job

1/ Competence qualification - 220 hrs

Level 3 Certificate in Apparel Manufacturing Technology - 33 Credits (200GLH)

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 28 hrs

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge qualification – 270 hrs

Level 3 Diploma in Apparel, Footwear or Leather Production (Apparel Pathway) - 45 Credits (270GLH)

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 72hrs

Definition of non-accredited activity

*Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 50 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the-job training hours for the 24-month programme is 750 hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Level 3 Diploma in Bespoke Cutting and Tailoring (Tailoring Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0233/3 500/8986/9 37 370 (180 GLH) Competence English only
Level 3 Diploma in Apparel, Footwear or Leather Production (Tailoring Pathway)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0233/4 501/0088/9 45 450 (270 GLH) Knowledge English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the vocational qualifications.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring) 208 522
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence qualification - 180 hrs

Level 3 Diploma in Bespoke Cutting and Tailoring - 37 Credits (180GLH)

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 28 hrs

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge qualification – 270 hrs

Level 3 Diploma in Apparel, Footwear or Leather Production (Tailoring Pathway) - 45 Credits (270GLH)

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 72hrs

*Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 50 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the-job training hours for the 24-month programme is 730 hours.


On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles)

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following combined qualification below.

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0615/6 601/1784/9 90 900 (500 GLH) Combined English only

Please see Annex 2 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles) 235 495
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence element of qualification (215GLH)

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel – (Technical Textiles Pathway) - 90 Credits (215 GLH competence minimum average).

This is based on the qualification rules of combination but hours could vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen;

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 20 hours.


1/ Knowledge element of qualification (285GLH)

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel – (Technical Textiles Pathway)  90 Credits (285 GLH knowledge minimum average).

This is based on the qualification rules of combination but hours could vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen.

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

3/ Non-accredited activity* – 30 hours.

*Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 25 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the-job training hours for the 24-month programme is 730 hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing)

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing) Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following combined qualification below.

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
SEG Awards C00/0615/6 601/1784/9 90 900 (500 GLH) Combined English Only

Please see Annex 2 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing) Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing) 275 495
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)


1/ Competence element of qualification - 255 hours

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel (Product Development and Sourcing endorsed Pathway) – 90 Credits (255 GLH competence minimum average).

This is based on the qualification rules of combination but hours could vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen;

2/ Non-accredited activity* – 20 hours.

Off-the –job

1/ Knowledge element of qualification (285GLH)

Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel (Product Development and Sourcing endorsed Pathway) – 90 Credits (285 GLH knowledge minimum average).

This is based on the qualification rules of combination but hours could vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen.

2/ Essential Skills Wales qualifications x 3 - 180 hrs

*3/ Non-accredited activity* – 30 hours.

Definition of non-accredited activity

Activity that has been allocated within the Pathway that is not qualification based and will enhance the apprentice experience. The total hours allocated are 25 hours per 12 months and activities include:

On-the-job - Progress reviews with the employer/supervisor or mentor in the workplace.

Off-the-Job - Relevant coverage of ERR/Induction; - Enrichment activities; - Progress reviews, mentoring sessions with assessor/tutor, pastoral care activities.

Total On and Off-the- job training hours for the 24-month programme is 770 hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Other additional requirements


Job roles

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles)


Job TitleJob Role

Textile Operative


Textile Operatives undertake many different tasks in the production of textile materials. Typically, this might involve occupations such as carding, spinning, twisting, warping, weaving and other roles at this level of textile manufacturing (this is not an exhaustive list).


Many textile machines are now automated, therefore a key aspect of a textile operative's job is to maintain the supply of fabric and materials into machines and ensure the processes are running smoothly.

Quality Control InspectorA Quality Control Inspector is responsible for checking the quality of products within a production run, often making checks at a variety of stages through the process.
LinkerA Linker assembles quality knitted garments using either a point-to-point or random linking machine in the construction of knitting or hosiery products.
KnitterKnitting Operatives or Knitters are responsible for working the machines that turn natural or man-made yarns into fabrics or garments. There are many different types of knitting machines, which can be operated by hand or by using a computerised system.
Product TesterIt is important that all manufactured products meet British and European standards and are fit for purpose. They must therefore be tested thoroughly throughout the manufacturing process. This is the responsibility of a Product Tester.
Textile Maintenance MechanicResponsible for routine maintenance of specialist textiles machinery.





Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products)


Job TitleJob role
Cloth CutterCloth Cutters lay out and cut materials to form components for the manufacture of sewn products, addressing manual, machine and computer aided operations.
Sewing MachinistSewing Machinists stitch sections of material together to make a variety of fabric products, ranging from clothing, soft furnishings, interiors to industrial products.
Tape SealerTape Sealers prepare machinery and equipment to seal products using a manually controlled tape sealing machine to produce either clothing or related items.
Hand PresserHand Pressers prepare the material for pressing, hand press garments using dry iron, steam iron and vacuum buck pressing methods.
Quality Control InspectorA Quality Control Inspector is responsible for checking the quality of products within a production run, often making checks at a variety of stages through the process.
Clothing PresserClothing Pressers use scissor presses, professional ironing tables and formers to shape garments and remove creases. They typically work for clothing manufacturers or dry cleaning companies.

Sewing Maintenance Mechanic


Responsible for routine maintenance of specialist sewn products machinery.



Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Textiles)


Job TitleJob Role
Textile Dyeing TechnicianTextile Dyeing Technicians mix and apply the dyes that colour natural and synthetic fibres, yarns and fabrics. They may also be involved in printing, bleaching, waterproofing and applying other finishes to textiles. Often the dyeing process is computer controlled.
Textile TechnologistTextile Technologists are interested in the scientific make-up of fibres, yarns and materials. They may work in production engineering, management, sourcing or quality control. They may also have responsibility for solving manufacturing and production problems.
Analytical Textile TechnologistAnalytical Textile Technologists are responsible for solving questions relating to textile manufacture. Technologists of this type are required in many different areas of technical textiles, for example in the medical, automotive or performance wear industries.
Knitting TechnicianKnitting Technicians operate the machines that knot the yarns into fabric or garments during the production process. They ensure the production process runs uninterrupted and they are responsible for the basic maintenance of the machines.
Quality SupervisorThe Quality Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all the quality procedures are followed throughout the production process.
Textile Colour TechnologistTextile Colour Technologists are employed by large manufacturers of fibres, wools, yarns and textiles to make colorants (dyes and pigments) for their products.
Textile DesignerTextile Designers create fabric designs and patterns for woven, knitted and printed materials, which can be used for clothing and interior furnishings. These designs usually feature repeating patterns.
Textile Machinery TechnicianTextile Machinery Technicians are responsible for the up-keep and maintenance of all machinery and equipment used in textile factories. They may choose to specialise in one particular area, such as fibre preparation, spinning, winding, weaving, knitting or a finishing process.
Team Leader/SupervisorRequires extensive knowledge of production processes to produce Textiles products. They will also be responsible for the performance of a team on a daily basis.




Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Apparel) 


Job TitleJob Role
DressmakerDressmakers produce made-to-measure clothing, such as dresses, skirts and trousers for their customers. They may run small, independent businesses, specialising in a particular type of clothing, such as bridal wear.
Bespoke Pattern Cutter (Manual/CAD)Responsibilities as the Pattern Cutter but working on bespoke (Made-to-Measure) products.
Product TechnologistThis occupation is found in sewn product manufacturers, footwear manufacturers, brands and retailers. They can be involved in the production of a wide range and variety of products, from clothing and fashion to leather goods, shoes, soft furnishings, marine and medical textiles.
Pattern Cutter (Manual/CAD)A pattern cutter working within the clothing and textiles industry can be employed by a large, medium, small or micro size business, producing a variety of products from clothing and fashion items to leather goods, soft furnishings, marine and medical textiles. 
Sample MachinistSample Machinists are a key part of the clothing design team. They work closely with designers, garment technologists and pattern cutters to create the first made-up sample of a garment design.
Pattern Grader (Manual/CAD)A Pattern Grader takes a pattern, which has been made by a Pattern Cutter, and produces scaled-up and scaled-down versions to enable manufactures to reproduce the same artefact in different sizes.
Garment MakerThe broad purpose of the occupation is to construct garments - bringing the design to life, following specifications and quality standards. They may work on one-off products for specific customers or garment samples to be replicated.
Team Leader/SupervisorRequires extensive knowledge of production processes to produce sewn products. They will also be responsible for the performance of a team on a daily basis.




Level 3: Fashion & Textiles (Tailoring)


Job TitleJob Role
TailorA tailor specialises in making coats and jackets, or trousers, skirts and waistcoats. The tailor will use traditional methods of tailoring and will be able to receive the cut and trimmed garment bundle from the cutter and skilfully assemble all the component parts, resulting in a garment(s) of the highest quality.
CutterA cutter is able to measure the figure, analyse particular customer figurations or (figure variations) and cut a pattern to fit an individual customer requirement. They liaise with the customer in order to gain an understanding of specific customer needs. All this information is translated into the customer's individual pattern - the cutter will then work closely with the tailor to create this individual bespoke garment. 
Garment MakerGarment Makers support tailors in the production of tailored garments. They may work as part of team or directly with the tailor, producing part of a garment that is later assembled by the tailor, producing sample garments or carrying out basic assembly operations.
Tailoring Technical SalespersonThe role of a Technical Salesperson combines the skills of a Tailor, the knowledge and understanding of material and design, and the ability to sell to customers.
Team Leader/SupervisorRequires extensive knowledge of production processes to produce Tailoring products. They will also be responsible for the performance of a team on a daily basis.



Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Technical Textiles)


Job TitleJob Role
Fabric TechnologistResponsible for analysing, evaluating and interpreting testing to refine fabrics for their intended application, adhering to quality standards.
Fibre TechnologistResponsible for analysing, evaluating and testing to refine materials for their intended application, adhering to quality standards.
Senior TechnologistResponsible for the development, application and measuring of materials to ensure fulfilment of their purpose. Adhering to quality standards and reporting findings.
Textile Technical DesignerResponsible for the design and optimisation of materials/products to match specification.
Senior Testing TechnologistResponsible for calibration and maintenance of machinery, putting in place procedures by which tests are undertaken, data processed/analysed and current standards adhered to. Oversee the writing of reports, receiving customer feedback and recording non-conformance.
Textile Product Development TechnologistResponsible for overseeing the introduction of new technologies for the enhancement of product properties.
Textile Support AnalystResponsible for analysing / evaluating, interpreting testing and refining fabrics for their intended application, adhering to quality standards. Support the role of the Technologists.
Technical Textile ResearcherResponsible for overseeing scientific aspects of research in relation to new product and process development, in particular co-ordinating research projects/tasks and testing, interpreting results, ensuring adherence of all relevant quality standards.
Textile Quality ControllerResponsible for ensuring correct documentation, accuracy of lab reports, use of current standards and accreditation.
Technical Manager (Production)Responsible for co-ordinating specific fashion and textiles manufacturing processes and scheduling to meet production requirements, optimising efficiency and adhering to quality standards.



Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing)


Job TitleJob Role
New Product Development ManagerResponsible for overseeing the development of a product or range of products, specialising in development and planning. Their role is to take fashion and textiles products from concept to commercialisation in response to market demand.
Process EngineerResponsible for the overall planning, management and completion of projects across the business. Works with fashion and textiles customers and stakeholders to develop project scope and definition. Identifies resource requirements, training needs, and project deliverables.
Procurement Manager (Apparel and Textiles Goods)Responsible for sourcing and purchasing goods or services for the company according to its available budget for each department. The purchasing of raw materials for apparel and textile goods on a tender basis is a key part of the procurement manager’s responsibility.
Sales Manager (Apparel and Textiles Goods)Responsible for the development and performance of all sales activities in assigned market segment. Directs a sales team and provides leadership towards the achievement of maximum profitability and growth. Establishes plans and strategies to expand the customer base.
Logistics Manager (Textile Finished Goods)Responsible for planning and managing the movement of textile finished goods in a supply chain, liaising with suppliers of raw materials, manufacturers, retailers and consumers.
Research and Development Manager (Apparel and Textile Goods)Responsible for overseeing all aspects of research in relation to fashion and textiles new product and process development.
Marketing Manager (Apparel and Textile Goods)Responsible for developing and maintaining marketing strategies for the fashion and textiles sector. Evaluates customer research, fashion and textiles market conditions, competitor data and implements marketing plan changes as needed.
Quality ManagerResponsible for overseeing all quality aspects, and addressing continuous quality improvement. Responsible for liaising with clients and staff to gain and respond to feedback and record non-conformance.
Fashion BuyerResponsible for creating and planning ranges using forecasted design predictions and central design department. Collections are fitted with garment technology and fabrics sourced, prices are negotiated and deliveries co-ordinated with merchandising roles.
Fashion MerchandiserResponsible for reviewing historical sales, current sales data such as weeks cover, store distributions and supplier negotiation. Controls financial budgets and sets margins and buy quantities with the fashion buyer to plan the introduction of new fashion ranges and conduct range sales forecasting.


Level 2: Fashion & Textiles

Vocational qualifications at Level 3 are encouraged routes for progression, especially those that incorporate further fashion and textiles related skills development. 

Progression from the Foundation Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles can include:

  • Welsh Baccalaureate qualifications;
  • Level 3 Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles;
  • Level 3 Sector related manufacturing vocational qualifications available on the QiW (Qualifications Wales database);
  • SEG Awards Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Textiles Manufacture*;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Diploma in Textiles Technology*;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Diploma in Apparel, Footwear or Leather Production *;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Certificate in Apparel Manufacturing Technology (NVQ) *;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Award in Fashion and Textiles *;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Certificate in Fashion and Textiles *;
  • SEG Awards Level 3 Diploma in Bespoke Cutting and Tailoring*.

*In late 2018, UKFT launched the UKFT Industry Recognition Programme (IRP), which ensures that vocational qualifications are both applicable and necessary. Significant signposting is required to assist young people, employers, parents and training providers alike in navigating the range of available courses, particularly those that address the current skills gaps within fashion and textiles.

Vocational qualifications at level 3 are encouraged routes for progression, especially those which incorporate textile related skills development.

Non-accredited prior learning related to the fashion and textile industry may provide useful progression routes into the Pathway as it will demonstrate an interest in the area e.g. voluntary or unpaid employment in a fashion and textiles role, and relevant training in areas such as designing, costing or creating a fashion and textiles related product.

Level 3: Fashion & Textiles

 Vocational qualifications at Level 4 and above are encouraged routes for progression, especially those that incorporate further fashion and textiles related skills development. 

Progression from the Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles can include:

  • Welsh Baccalaureate qualifications;
  • Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles (Technical Textiles)
  • Level 4 Higher Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing)
  • Level 4 and above sector related manufacturing vocational qualifications available on the QiW (Qualifications Wales database);
  • SEG Awards Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel *.

*In late 2018, UKFT launched the UKFT Industry Recognition Programme (IRP) which ensures that vocational qualifications are both applicable and necessary. Significant signposting is required to assist young people, employers, parents and training providers alike in navigating the range of available courses, particularly those that address the current skills gaps within fashion and textiles.

The apprentice will also be able to progress to employment, self-employment, or to more skilled activity within the industry.

Further work-based learning

  • Relevant Trade Associations and Professional Bodies sector specific training.

Higher Education progression

Progression from the Level 3 Apprenticeship in Fashion and Textiles should be articulated to relevant Level 4 programmes of learning. Apprentices can progress to higher or professional levels such as Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas/Certificates, BA Honours Degrees and related professional courses. Examples of progression could be in:

  • Bespoke Tailoring;
  • Clothing Design;
  • Clothing Engineering;
  • Interior Textiles;
  • Fashion Design;
  • Fashion Design Management;
  • Fashion Design Tailoring
  • Fashion Knitwear Design;
  • Fashion Textile Design;
  • Textile Design;
  • Textile Product Technologies.

Progression arrangements into Higher Education, formal and informal, should be explored and supported, as this will help strengthen local partnerships and support progression opportunities through the range of vocational and academic provision.

For details on Higher Education courses in textiles related subjects, please see the UCAS website

For wider Fashion & Textiles employment and training information please visit or e-mail

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles

Technical Textiles

This Pathway looks to equip sector employers with the skills required within technical markets, the production of technical textiles and textiles which are created specifically for their performance rather than their aesthetic appearance.

Such industries and activities which rely on nanotechnology, electronic or other innovations, include the manufacture of protective clothing for emergency services, the development of products and garments for medical services ranging from medical splints and bandages to surgical tools, and the inclusion of carbon fibre for aircraft frames.

The apprentice will be able to progress to employment, self-employment, or to more skilled activity within the industry.

Further work-based learning

  • Relevant Trade Associations and Professional Bodies sector specific training.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) within job role attained

Examples of career development into higher level job roles from this Pathway could be:

  • Head of Innovation;
  • Chief Innovation Officer;
  • Project Scientist;
  • Technical Director.

Higher Education progression

Progression from the Fashion and Textiles Higher Apprenticeship Pathway should be articulated to relevant Higher level programmes of learning. Higher apprentices can progress to higher or professional levels such as Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas/Certificates BA Honours Degrees and related professional courses. Examples of progression could be in:

  • Advanced Materials;
  • Advanced Materials & Performance Clothing;
  • Advanced Skills for Advanced Materials;
  • Fashion Technology;
  • Performance Sportswear Design;
  • Materials Engineering;
  • Textile Technology.

Product Development and Sourcing

One of the strategies adopted by firms is to place emphasis on 'innovative product development and balanced sourcing', where a core component of the manufacturing process remains in the UK whilst outsourcing other elements to developing countries which have competitive price advantages as a result of relatively low labour costs.

These combined factors mean that successful balanced sourcing strategies require creative design skills and commercial acumen, supported by flexible and efficient production practices, effective communications and marketing within the supply chain and efficient logistics operations.

The apprentice will be able to progress to employment, self-employment, or to more skilled activity within the industry.

Further work-based learning

  • Relevant Trade Associations and Professional Bodies sector specific training.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) within job role attained

Examples of career development into higher level job roles from this Pathway could be:

  • Freelance Designer;
  • Marketing Director;
  • Head of Innovation;
  • Chief Innovation Officer;
  • Technical Director.

Higher Education progression

Progression from this Pathway should be articulated to relevant Higher level programmes of learning. Higher apprentices can progress to higher or professional levels such as Foundation Degrees, Higher National Diplomas/Certificates BA Honours Degrees and related professional courses. Examples of progression could be in:

  • Textile Technology;
  • Advanced Materials;
  • Performance Sportswear Design;
  • Advanced Materials & Performance Clothing;
  • Fashion Technology;
  • Materials Engineering;
  • Advanced Skills for Advanced Materials.

Progression arrangements into Higher Education, formal and informal, should be explored and supported, as this will help strengthen local partnerships and support progression opportunities through the range of vocational and academic provision. For details on Higher Education courses in fashion and textiles related subjects, please see the UCAS website

For wider Fashion & Textiles employment and training information please visit  or e-mail


Equality and diversity

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.

Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.

The UK fashion and textiles industry continues to undergo a process of radical change driven by globalisation of production, rapidly changing consumer tastes and increased focus on high value products.

Many Welsh fashion and textiles companies are producing more sewn products in Wales and are manufacturing high quality goods for niche markets and need multi-skilled staff that are able to produce these goods, meeting quality standards and quantity demand.

The latest LMI around industry figures in Wales are as follows:

Table 1: Estimated number of employees by industry (Wales), 2019

13: Manufacture of textiles1,750
14: Manufacture of wearing apparel175
20.60: Manufacture of man-made fibres0
46.16: Agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods350
46.41: Wholesale of textiles300
46.42: Wholesale of clothing and footwear2,000
47.51: Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores500
47.53: Retail sale of carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings in specialised stores900
47.71: Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores12,000

Source: ONS, BRES, 2019

Table 2: Number of VAT and/or PAYE registered enterprises by industry (Wales), March 2020

13: Manufacture of textiles total175
14: Manufacture of wearing apparel total60
4616: Agents involved in the sale of textiles; clothing; fur; footwear and leather goods35
4641: Wholesale of textiles30
4642: Wholesale of clothing and footwear95
4751: Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores60
4753: Retail sale of carpets; rugs; wall and floor coverings in specialised stores190
4771: Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores400

Source: ONS, Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR)


This Apprenticeship Pathway aims to address the main issue of an ageing workforce in the sector, an issue the sector is very much aware of and is placing great emphasis on attracting able young people into the sector.

A healthy Sewn Products industry, where fabrics are converted into sewn products would have a very significant leveraging effect for the Welsh weavers and spinners, by enabling them to add value and build the visibility of their brands more readily.

Brexit arrangements and tariffs on goods are also concerning Welsh fashion & textiles employers and the need to train home grown talent is of a high priority as the demand to grow onshore production capacity to meet current and future manufacturing demand is at a critical crossroad.

Since the previous review of this Pathway in 2017 the demand for sewn products skills has significantly increased.  A major driver of this has been the need for UK-based brands to re-shore product previously produced in other areas of the EU. 

As such products now attract duties when re-exported to the EU, there is now a significant cost benefit to UK manufacturing and brands are currently scrambling to take advantage of what little domestic sewn products capabilities are available.

Historically, recruitment of young people into the industry has been a struggle for many employers with one of the main barriers to recruitment being the image of the fashion and textiles sector to young people. The Pathway will help address this issue as it reveals a vibrant sector that has the equivalent opportunities of progression to other sectors.

This Pathway aims to:

  • address the issue of an ageing workforce by attracting young talent and providing an alternative entry route into employment in the sector;
  • promote a positive image of the fashion and textiles sector.

There are no prescribed entry conditions to this Pathway so that inappropriate barriers to entry, which would impact negatively on equality and diversity, are not created.

UKFT is passionate about promoting diversity and is seeking and sharing good practice across the delivery partners in order to highlight positive examples of marketing and communication materials, and other strategies and activities used to break down the barriers to entry and ensure a more diverse talent base.

UKFT is also marketing and communicating this Pathway to ensure consistency of message. UKFT is involved in a number of activities such as:

  • Targeted training initiatives, used as a key tool in getting new talent from underrepresented groups into the industry;
  • Use of National Occupational Standards and Labour Market Intelligence to inform accurate careers information, advice and guidance;
  • Providing links to training providers working with underrepresented groups;
  • Raising awareness of the under-representation of people with disabilities in the industry’s workforce by monitoring employment trends, identifying barriers to training and development, and sharing that information with partners;
  • Supporting and connecting training providers in the regions to deliver apprenticeships.

The Welsh Language Scheme is fully supported by both UKFT and the industry in Wales. As part of this review sector employers and training providers were consulted upon the need for translation of this Pathway into the medium of Welsh with an overwhelming endorsement to do so.

For more details on research into the makeup of the sector, visit the UKFT website

Employment responsibilities and rights

Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory.  But it is recommended that all apprentices (especially the 16 years -18-year group) receive a company induction programme.


It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of this Pathway is delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr

Annex 1- Level 2: Fashion and Textiles (Textiles)

Relationship between competence and knowledge vocational qualifications

The Knowledge qualification provides the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the Competence qualification and covers several sub-sectors and the mandatory units are designed to be contextualised for the chosen sub-sector Pathway.

For the textiles sector there are a further two units that are unique to that sub-sector Pathway. Within the Knowledge qualification the endorsed units for the Textiles Pathway MUST be delivered to support the Competence qualification as the other endorsed Pathway units will not be compatible.

  • Introduction and History of the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textiles Industry [R/650/3055];
  • Understanding Health and Safety and associated Employer Rights and Responsibilities within the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Industry [Y/650/3057];
  • Developing Working Relationships within the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Industry [T/650/3056];
  • Recognise and Maintain Quality Standards in Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Production [J/650/2972];
  • Materials and processes used in the Manufacture of Textile Products [M/600/2047];
  • Textile manufacturing techniques [T/600/2048].

The units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products 2020. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry.

The units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile Products 2009/2010. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry.

Level 2: Fashion & Textiles (Sewn Products)

The Knowledge qualification provides the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the Competence qualification. The Knowledge qualification covers several sub-sectors and the mandatory units are designed to be contextualised for the chosen sub-sector Pathway.

For the Sewn Products sector there are a further three units that are unique to that sub-sector Pathway. Within the Knowledge qualification the endorsed units for the Apparel Pathway MUST be delivered to support the Competence qualification as the other endorsed Pathway units will not be compatible.

  • Introduction and History of the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textiles Industry [R/650/3055];
  • Understanding Health and Safety and associated Employer Rights and Responsibilities within the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Industry [Y/650/3057];
  • Developing Working Relationships within the Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Industry [T/650/3056];
  • Recognise and Maintain Quality Standards in Sewn Products, Footwear, Leather or Textile Production [J/650/2972];
  • Sewn Products Manufacturing Techniques - The Production Process [K/650/2973];
  • Sewn Products Manufacturing Techniques - Sewing and Making-Up Operations [L/650/2974];
  • Materials Used in Manufacture of Sewn Products [M/650/3054].

The units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products 2020. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry.

Level 3 Fashion & Textiles (Textiles)

The Knowledge qualification provides the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the Competence qualification.

The Knowledge qualification covers several specialist areas and the mandatory units are designed to be either an overview or to be contextualised for the chosen specialist area.

There are further optional units where specific specialist units can be taken dependent on-the-job role of the candidate and to support the Competence qualification.

Mandatory units

  • Managing health and safety and employment rights and responsibilities within the textile industry (H/502/6299)
  • General textile technology (R/502/2264)
  • Managing quality standards – textile production (K/650/2982)

Optional units

  • Fibre and yarn processing [H/502/2267];
  • Weft knitting [M/502/2269];
  • Warp knitting and lace [H/502/2270];
  • Weaving [K/502/2271];
  • Narrow fabric manufacture [M/502/2272];
  • Carpet manufacturing processes [A/502/2274];
  • Non-woven fabric manufacture [F/502/2275];
  • Textiles dyeing and printing [J/502/2276];
  • Textile finishing [R/502/2278];
  • Knitted fabric design [Y/502/2279];
  • Woven fabric design [R/502/2281];
  • Knitwear and hosiery design and make-up [Y/502/2282];
  • Textile testing [D/502/2283];
  • Managing own relationships within textile production [M/502/6399];
  • Leading teams within textile technologies [A/502/2291];
  • Planning for textile production [F/502/2292];
  • Aspects of design within the textile industry [Y/502/6400];
  • Professional practice/ preparation for employment within the textile industry [D/502/6401];
  • Buying including import/export within the textile industry [H/502/6402];
  • Manage information for action within the textile industry [K/502/6403].

The units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile and Sewn Products 2020. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry.

Level 3 Fashion & Textiles (Apparel)

The Knowledge qualification provides the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the Competence qualification. The Knowledge qualification covers several sub-sectors and three of the mandatory units are designed to be contextualised for the chosen sub-sector pathway.

For the Apparel sector there are a further three units that are unique to that sub-sector pathway. Within the Knowledge qualification the endorsed units for the Apparel pathway MUST be delivered to support the Competence qualification as the other endorsed pathway units will not be compatible.

Mandatory Units

  • Managing health and safety and employment rights and responsibilities within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [J/601/7833];
  • Managing quality standards within apparel, footwear or leather production [Y/601/7836];
  • Managing own working relationships within the apparel, footwear or leather production [H/601/7838];
  • Manufacturing techniques within apparel production [M/601/7843];
  • Materials used in the manufacture of apparel [D/601/7854].

Optional Units (1 unit to be taken)

  • Production management within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [Y/601/7853];
  • Aspects of design within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [K/601/7856];
  • Professional practice/preparation for employment within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [M/601/7857];
  • Managing customer relations within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [T/601/7858];
  • Buying (import/export) within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [A/601/7859];
  • Supervisory management – team leadership within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [M/601/7860];
  • Manage information for action within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [T/601/7861].

The units are based on National Occupational Standards for Apparel Manufacturing Technology 2010. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry.

The Knowledge qualification provides the underpinning knowledge and understanding for the Competence qualification.

The Knowledge qualification covers several sub-sectors and three of the mandatory units are designed to be contextualised for the chosen sub-sector pathway. For the tailoring sector there are a further three units that are unique to that sub-sector pathway. Within the Knowledge qualification the endorsed units for the Tailoring pathway MUST be delivered to support the Competence qualification as the other endorsed pathway units will not be compatible.

Mandatory Units

  • Managing health and safety and employment rights and responsibilities within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [J/601/7833];
  • Managing quality standards within apparel, footwear or leather production [Y/601/7836];
  • Managing own working relationships within the apparel, footwear or leather production [H/601/7838];
  • Garment production – tailored garments [A/601/7862];
  • Garment cutting - tailored garments [F/601/7863].

Optional Units (1 unit to be taken)

  • Production management within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [Y/601/7853];
  • Aspects of design within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [K/601/7856];
  • Professional practice/preparation for employment within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [M/601/7857];
  • Managing customer relations within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [T/601/7858];
  • Buying (import/export) within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [A/601/7859];
  • Supervisory management – team leadership within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [M/601/7860];
  • Manage information for action within the apparel, footwear or leather industry [T/601/7861].

The units are based on National Occupational Standards for Bespoke Cutting and Tailoring 2007 and Apparel Manufacturing Technology 2010. Further units will be developed in the future, to reflect the needs of the industry

Annex 2 - Level 4: Fashion and Textiles (Technical Textiles)

Relationship between the competence and knowledge elements within the vocational qualification.

Technical Textiles

SEG Awards Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel (C00/0615/6) - Candidates are required to achieve a minimum of 90 credits (500 GLH minimum) from units listed below for the Technical Textiles endorsed Pathway.

Mandatory units (Group A) – 25 Credits (160GLH):

  • Managing Health and Safety and Employment Rights and Responsibilities within the Textiles industry (H/502/6299);
  • Fibres and Technical Textiles (T/505/6892);
  • General Textile Technology (R/502/2264).

The mandatory units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile Products (2010) and Technical Textiles (2012).

Optional units (Group B) - 48 Credits (240GLH):

  • Fire and Heat Resistance in Textiles Applications (A/504/2668);
  • Stain Resistance in Textiles Applications (F/504/2669);
  • Ultraviolet Resistance in Textiles Applications (T/504/2670);
  • Fabric Wear and Durability of Textile Products (A/504/2671);
  • Anti-microbial Applications for Textile Products (F/504/2672);
  • Breathability in Textile Products (J/504/2673);
  • Anti-Static and Conductive Textiles (L/504/2674);
  • Bio-Degradable Textiles (R/504/2675).

The above units are based on National Occupational Standards in Technical Textiles (2012).

Optional units (Group C) - 17 Credits (100GLH):

  • Managing quality standards – textile production (D/502/2266);
  • Managing own relationships within textile production (M/502/6399);
  • Aspects of design within the textile industry (Y/502/6400);
  • Professional practice/preparation for employment within the textile industry (D/502/6401);
  • Manage information for action within the textile industry (K/502/6403);
  • Planning for textile production (F/502/2292);
  • Managing customer relations within the apparel, footwear or leather industry
  • (T/601/7858).

The above units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile Products (2010), Apparel Manufacturing Technology (2010) and Footwear and Leather goods (2010).

The combined qualification includes both competence and knowledge units. The split between competence and knowledge credits will vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen. A minimum of 21 knowledge credits and 4 competence credits will be achieved from undertaking the mandatory units; the remaining knowledge and competence credits will be achieved through completion of the optional units.

Knowledge and competence will be assessed separately within the qualification. Examples of knowledge assessment could include classroom technical activity, specific technical workshop sessions and online platform study.

Competence assessment could be through observation using expert witnesses in the workplace, in the form of a portfolio of products under development, 1-1 on site delivery or assessment visits in the workplace.

When apprentices have achieved the required number and combination of credits, they will receive their Diploma, and claim for their Higher Apprenticeship completion certificate from the Certifying Authority.

Level 4: Fashion & Textiles (Product Development and Sourcing)

Product Development and Sourcing

SEG Awards Level 4 Diploma in Technical Textiles and Apparel (C00/0615/6) - Candidates are required to achieve a minimum of 90 credits (540 GLH) from units listed below for the Product Development and Sourcing endorsed Pathway.

Mandatory unit (Group D) - 7 Credits (40GLH):

  • Managing Health and Safety and Employment Rights and Responsibilities within the Textiles industry (H/502/6299).

This mandatory unit is based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Textile Products (2010).

Optional units (Group E) - 52 Credits (310GLH):

  • Portfolio Management of New Products (Y/504/2676);
  • Planning and Managing the Outsourcing Process in Manufacturing (D/504/2677);
  • Outsourcing Costs in Manufacturing (H/504/2678);
  • Strategic Marketing Planning Skills within the Design and Creative Industries (J/501/8387);
  • Business Planning and Financial Projections in the Design and Creative Industries (L/501/8388);
  • Design Development, Creativity and Business Development (R/501/8389);
  • Leadership and People Management in the Design and Creative Industries (J/501/8390);
  • Intellectual Property Management in the Design and Creative Industries (L/501/8391);
  • Design Project Management for Creative Practitioners (R/501/8392);
  • Doing Business Globally (Y/501/8393);
  • Finance for Designers and Creatives (D/501/8394).

Within Optional Group E, the manufacturing orientated units are based on National

Occupational Standards in Balanced Sourcing and New Product Development (2010). Where contextualised optional qualification units for the Creative Industries have been based on other National Occupational Standards, the relevant Sector Skills Councils were contacted to inform of the use of the units within this Pathway.

Optional units (Group F) - 31 Credits (190GLH):

  • Managing quality standards within apparel, footwear or leather production (Y/601/7836);
  • Managing own working relationships within the apparel, footwear or leather production (H/601/7838);
  • Professional practice/preparation for employment within the apparel, footwear or leather   industry (M/601/7857);
  • Managing customer relations within the apparel, footwear or leather industry (T/601/7858);
  • Manage information for action within the apparel, footwear or leather industry (T/601/7861);
  • Aspects of design within the apparel, footwear or leather industry (K/601/7856);
  • Planning for textile production (F/502/2292);
  • Manufacturing techniques within apparel production (M/601/7843);
  • Materials used in the manufacture of apparel (D/601/7854);
  • Investigate markets, materials and styles (R/502/0899).

The above units are based on National Occupational Standards in Manufacturing Sewn Products (2009), Manufacturing Textile Products (2010), Apparel Manufacturing Technology (2010) and Footwear and Leather goods (2010).

The combined qualification includes both competence and knowledge units. A minimum of

knowledge credits and 4 competence credits will be achieved from undertaking the mandatory unit; the remaining knowledge and competence credits will be achieved through the completion of the optional units. The split between knowledge and competence will vary from learner to learner, depending on the optional units chosen.

Knowledge and competence will be assessed separately within the qualification. Examples of knowledge assessment could include classroom technical activity, specific technical workshop sessions and online platform study.

Competence assessment could be through observation using expert witnesses in the workplace, in the form of a portfolio of products under development, 1-1 on site delivery or assessment visits in the workplace.

When apprentices have achieved the required number and combination of credits, they will receive their Diploma and claim for their Higher Apprenticeship completion certificate from the Certifying Authority.

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Document revisions

19 November 2021