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Legal Services

The content of this Pathway has been agreed by Skills for Justice and the Legal Services Steering Group. This is the only Legal Services Apprenticeship Pathway in the Legal and Financial Services sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 27/04/2022 ACW Framework No.: FR05049

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualifications,
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off the job training

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Paralegal Pathway is 74 credits.

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 5 Advanced Paralegal Pathway is 108 credits.

The duration of this Pathway is a minimum of 24 months.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this pathway. However many employers will expect a high standard of literacy and numeracy e.g. GCSE grades A*-C, A Levels or a proven ability to work at this level, such as experience gained through employment or voluntary work.

Trust, integrity and honesty are all characteristics valued by legal services employers.

Some employers may require successful applicants to undertake disclosure checks.

Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 3: Paralegal

Level 3: Paralegal Qualifications

Participants must achieve the combined qualification below.

Level 3 CPQ Foundation
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
CILEX LTQQCLX3 56 560 Combined English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 3: Paralegal Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 3: Paralegal 280 280
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

The total amount of training hours - which includes both on and off-the-job learning for this Pathway is 560 training hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Level 5: Advanced Paralegal

Level 5: Advanced Paralegal Qualifications

Participants must achieve the combined qualification below.

Level 5 CPQ Advanced
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
CILEX LTQQCLX5 90 900 Combined English Only

Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 5: Advanced Paralegal Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 5: Advanced Paralegal 450 450
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

The total amount of training hours - which includes both on and off-the-job learning for this Pathway is 900 training hours.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Other additional requirements

Learners will be asked to declare any criminal convictions, bankruptcy or CJJs at the time of registration onto the Providing Financial Services qualification.

Job roles

The latest version of the job roles and job descriptions for this Pathway are to be confirmed within the Progression section.


Entry into this pathway may be:

  • via direct entry from a school or college
  • from a Welsh Baccalaureate, including the Principal Learning Qualifications for Business Administration and Finance and Public Services
  • from a work-based programme including Foundation Apprenticeship
  • via direct entry for existing staff working within the sector
  • from the Foundation Apprenticeship in Court Tribunal and Prosecution Administration

Progression from this level 3 pathway


  • More senior roles within sector. With significant further experience it may be possible to progress to roles such as paralegal manager or associate prosecutor
  • Specialised roles within the Crown Prosecution Service such as project management
  • Advanced Paralegal roles within the wider paralegal sector such as a senior paralegal and paralegal manager. There are growing numbers of paralegal jobs in various areas of law and within both public and private sector organisations such as law firms, government departments, etc
  • Other roles within the legal sector such as legal advisor, chartered legal executive, solicitor (these will require further experience and qualifications. Some of the most popular routes are detailed below)

Further training and qualifications:

  • Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship in Legal Services
  • Professional Legal Services qualifications such as those offered by CILEx
  • Level 4 management & leadership qualifications
  • Competence based qualifications such as the Level 4 Diploma in Providing Legal Services
  • Higher education courses such as qualifying law degrees (LLB) Specialist career paths
  • Further progression to a Level 6 / Level 7 is not currently an Apprenticeship route

To become a chartered legal executive:

Details of relevant qualifications for becoming qualified as a chartered legal executive can be found on the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives website:

To become a solicitor:

Details of relevant qualifications and pathways for becoming a solicitor can be found on the Law Society website: k/careers/becoming-a-solicitor

Equality and diversity

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

The protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.

Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) publishes diversity data every two years. Collected from law firms in England and Wales and representing more than 186,000 people working in over 9,500 firms, the data shows that despite the efforts of law firms in recent years the legal sector still isn't as diverse as it should be.

According to the SRAs 'How diverse is the legal sector?' data, published in March 2020, only 3% of all lawyers are disabled, compared to 13% of the UK workforce overall.

While women make up almost half (49%) of lawyers in law firms and three quarters of the workforce for 'other legal staff' according to the SRA data, the underrepresentation of women becomes more apparent at senior levels.

Only 29% of women are partners in firms with 50 or more partners:

  • 34% in firms with 10-50 partners
  • 39% with six to nine partners
  • 35% with two to five partners
  • 37% with one partner.

The SRA diversity data shows that 21% of all lawyers are Black, Asian or from a minority ethnic group. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 15% are Asian
  • 3% Black
  • 2% mixed/multiple ethnicity
  • 1% from other ethnic groups.

The SRA reports that a greater proportion (3%) of lawyers identify as gay, lesbian or bi-sexual than the UK workforce as a whole (2%).

However the introduction of law apprenticeships has provided a pathway to legal careers for those who would previously have been prevented from studying law due to high tuition fees.

For further information see:

Employment responsibilities and rights

Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory.  But it is recommended that all apprentices (especially the 16 -18 year group) receive a company induction programme.


It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of this pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr

Annex 1 - Level 3: Paralegal and Level 5 Advanced Paralegal

Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications


CPQ Size and Skills

CPQ Foundation Stage





Foundation stage Legal Systems


80 hours



Examined assessment:


50% Knowledge

50% Application and Evaluation


Professional Experience


See page 3


Foundation stage Tort


100 hours



Foundation stage Contract


100 hours



Foundation stage Introduction to Property and Private Client


180 hours


Foundation stage Professional and legal skills


100 hours


Module total


560 hours



56 Credits -  Approx. 18 months



Completed alongside or post exams –

time period undefined

CPQ Advanced Stage





Advanced stage

Dispute Resolution



180 hours



Examined assessment:


35-40% Knowledge

50% Application and Evaluation


Professional Experience



See page 3


Advanced stage

Criminal Law and Practice



180 hours


Advanced stage

Property and Conveyancing



180 hours


Advanced stage Professional and Legal Skills



180 hours




720 hours



72 Credits - Approx. 18 months



One further module - Advanced stage Family/Wills/Business & Employment 


180 hours



Stage totals 


900 hours



90 credits - Approx. 24 months


Completed alongside or post exams –

time period undefined









Foundation Stage Professional Experience


Case Handler
Legal Assistant

Advanced Stage Professional Experience


Senior Paralegal
Experienced Paralegal

Professional Stage Professional Experience


CILEx Lawyer
Authorised Practitioner


Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Acts with integrity, impartiality and independence, demonstrates principled behaviour, follows rules, adheres to organisational and professional standards and manages risk.



I apply the rules and adopt the principles of professional conduct and the CILEx Code of Conduct appropriately to relevant situations and raise awareness of these to others in the team


I understand and comply with professional standards, the CILEx Code of Conduct and regulatory responsibilities and I provide guidance to team members on these standards.


I demonstrate behaviour that reinforces professional standards, the CILEx Code of Conduct and regulatory responsibilities and I provide guidance to team members on these standards.


I inform

I maintain the confidentiality of client, organisation and colleague information.

I represent information and data candidly, accurately and completely whilst maintaining confidentiality.

I represent information and data honestly accurately, completely and confidentially and I coach less experienced staff on the principles and importance of maintaining confidentiality.

I uphold c in


I act with professionalism and integrity in all interactions with clients, colleagues, suppliers and other stakeholders.

I consistently demonstrate the highest standards of professional integrity, displaying discretion and sound judgement when dealing with clients, colleagues, suppliers and other stakeholders.

I do not compromise my professionalism or integrity and I stand my ground in the face of client, supplier or internal pressures.


I f

I recognise conflicts of interest, ethical or risk dimensions to situations and, when concerned, inform appropriate groups or people.




I recognise conflicts of interest, ethical or risk dimensions to situations, I demonstrate awareness of professional standards and, when concerned, I inform and consult appropriate

groups or people.

I demonstrate knowledge of the organisation’s risk management procedures; I support others in upholding ethical risk management and professional standards and I escalate issues promptly.


Client Relationships

Focuses on clients’ needs, listens to clients to understand their current and future needs, utilises specialist expertise, builds and leverages an internal and external network of contacts, meets clients’ expectations and delivers complete client solutions.


I understand and apply the concept of client service with both internal and external clients.

I demonstrate a client-oriented approach, treating internal and external clients as individuals.

I recognise and apply the concept of client service to a range of clients and I work to improve client centricity within the team.



I demonstrate an understanding of clients' needs.

I understand the clients' existing position, their actual and perceived needs and I am able to challenge these.

I show a clear understanding of the clients' existing position, needs and expectations and I am able to identify needs that they may not recognise.



I deal with clients' needs efficiently and raise appropriate legal matters with the right expert.

I manage the clients' expectations and am responsive to ensure the legal needs of the client and the organisation are met.

I respond appropriately to clients' legal needs and engage others in the team and externally with the necessary legal expertise.



I provide clear advice and I suggest possible actions for clients in accordance with instructions received.

I provide clear legal advice to clients including options available, next steps, advice on costs where appropriate and I provide supporting evidence in accordance with instructions received.

I provide clear legal advice to clients including advice on the available options, the risks, the costs and the benefits of alternative courses of action, next steps and providing supporting evidence.



I identify and develop an internal network of contacts to achieve results.

I build an internal network and am starting to develop an external network of contacts and experts.

I maintain, widen and leverage my network of internal and external contacts and experts.


Technical Expertise

Demonstrates the technical knowledge required for the role, keeps up to date with developments and trends in the organisation and legal profession and refers technical work to others with the right expertise.



I demonstrate sufficient technical knowledge to complete tasks, and for more complex tasks, complete these with some supervision.

I demonstrate my technical knowledge and expertise and apply this across a range of tasks.

I demonstrate my technical knowledge and expertise, sharing this with others in the team.


s y.

I act as a resource on technical support matters or I identify the appropriate expertise internally or externally.

I demonstrate technical knowledge in one or more specialist areas and I act as a referral point for technical and tactical advice on straightforward matters.

I develop a specialism in one or more legal areas and am recognised as being an expert in my field.



I understand the limitations of my technical competence and I raise appropriate legal matters with the right expert.

I provide guidance on routine technical matters to my colleagues and I understand the limitation of my technical competence, raising appropriate legal matters with the right expert.

I recognise when I reach the limit of my technical competence and skills and I ask for support



I maintain proficiency in legal, organisational and other processes, procedures, technologies, standard tools, approaches and methodologies.

I develop legal knowledge and understanding, ensuring new developments in regulation, technology and practice are followed.

I keep up to date with all legal and technical developments and organisational approaches and methodologies and apply them ethically in my work.


I suggest the applicable law and explain why it is relevant to the matter.

I identify the applicable law, linking it to the issues and demonstrating why it is relevant to the matter.

I identify the applicable law and procedures and apply these to the matter using supporting evidence.


Legal practice

Uses their skills and experience to perform the job effectively, makes effective use of technology, delivers accurate and quality work and embraces new developments and ways of working.


I r

I conduct accurate qualitative and quantitative research on legal and non-legal matters in a thorough and organised manner.

I conduct accurate qualitative and quantitative research in a thorough and organised manner, using the full range of available tools and technologies, and apply it to the matter in hand.

I conduct and collate qualitative and quantitative research around all aspects of current case law, legal procedure and documentation in a thorough, pragmatic and organised manner, using the full range of available tools and technologies and apply it to the matter in hand.



I identify, complete, draft and process relevant legal documentation using straightforward language. I follow the correct legal procedures.

I identify and draft the right legal and other documentation to support the legal procedure, identifying the relevant issues and providing well written supporting evidence.

I use the correct legal and other documentation and procedures to deal with the matter, providing supporting evidence of the action taken.


I u

I make full use of appropriate and current technology to deliver solutions to clients.

I embrace new developments in working practices and technology and adopt them in my day-to-day activities.

I identify new developments in working practices and technology and adopt them in my, and the team's, activities to deliver solutions to clients.



I ensure work complies to legal procedures, regulatory and organisational standards.

I deliver work in accordance with legal procedures, regulatory and organisational standards.

I am responsible for delivering quality work in compliance with legal procedures and regulatory and organisational standards and supervising others' work on a formal and structured



Commercial Awareness

Combines commercial and legal expertise to bring value to clients and the organisation, demonstrates business/commercial acumen, manages work efficiently and in budget, delegates work, uses resources efficiently and maximises commercial opportunities from existing and new clients.


I align my activities to the objectives of the team and department.

I align my activities within my area to the organisation’s strategy and I take responsibility for their delivery.

I turn the organisation's strategy into key deliverables, ensure their delivery and monitor against the plan.


I u

I have a broad understanding of the overall environment in which the organisation operates and its key products and services, and can articulate these to clients.

I identify opportunities to maximise business from my client through suggesting additional current services, where appropriate and relevant to do so, in line with the broader organisational and business context.

I understand and communicate the broad range of legal services, in light of competitor activity, that may be relevant to clients' needs and I raise new opportunities for products and services with clients and senior members of the organisation.


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I demonstrate the importance of case economics e.g. budgets, billing and time analysis when carrying out my work.

I maintain a focus on the economics of the services being offered, recommending opportunities for increased efficiencies.

I contribute to the financial management of the case, including budgets, work in progress, timely billing and collection and variance recognition.



I manage multiple activities, prioritising time and communicating potential time and resource conflicts.

I prioritise and manage my own and delegated work with a focus on completion within scope and budget, delegating where appropriate.

I contribute to engagement management e.g. resource requirements and case load workflow, to meet organisation objectives and budgets.









I support the development of proposals, organisation of events and other marketing and business development activities.

I support others in activities to gain work from existing or new clients and in marketing the organisation.

I contribute to converting opportunities into successful new profitable work.


Representation and Advocacy

Acts as an ambassador to the organisation and legal profession, takes instructions, holds appropriate advocacy rights, prepares for and acts for clients at trials, hearings or negotiations and represents the interests of clients in the best way.


I represent the organisation internally and externally in a positive manner.

I am an ambassador for my organisation at all times. 

I am an ambassador for my profession and organisation.



I accept the work to be done, delivering on appropriate deadlines and providing regular status updates.

I take accurate instructions relating to legal matters from colleagues and clients.

I take accurate instructions relating to legal matters from colleagues and clients.



I gather and provide the supporting information and prepare case outlines and submissions, in preparation for trials, hearings, advocacy or negotiations.

I provide the supporting information in preparation for trials, hearings, advocacy or negotiations; including drafting speeches and submissions.

I prepare statements of case, applications, witness statements and skeleton arguments and I represent clients at a trial or hearing where there are sufficient rights of audience including; opening and closing speeches, examination in chief, cross-examination, re-examination and closing arguments.


I undertake straightforward negotiations and influence in favour of a preferred solution.

I undertake more complex negotiations and advocacy and influence in favour of a preferred solution.



I observe and support advocacy in those areas where currently no rights of audience exist.

Where required, I have applied for and attained the relevant legal litigation and advocacy rights relevant to my role.


Managing Performance

Aligns to personal, team and organisational goals and objectives, is open to learning and supports the activities and development of others in the team.


I know how my role contributes to the organisation and I complete my organisational objectives.

I contribute to the team's effectiveness by achieving my personal and organisational goals.

I work towards the organisation's goals by setting aligned objectives and targets for myself and where appropriate the team.



I embrace challenging performance standards and monitor my progress against them.

I set myself realistic and impactful performance expectations and deliver against them.

I establish stretching performance expectations for myself and where appropriate my team, measuring progress against them and taking corrective action on performance deficiencies.



I contribute to team activities and demonstrate my awareness of others' workloads, taking on additional tasks as appropriate.

I contribute and encourage others to contribute to the performance of the team, consciously recognising the good work of other team members.

I engage with individuals to bring them together as one team and I take appropriate responsibility for their productivity.



I actively pursue required or recommended qualification(s) and I seek instruction, feedback and coaching to improve my capabilities.

I actively pursue required or recommended qualification(s) and I proactively contribute to discussion about my career and personal development.

I support others in their personal development, providing information, opportunities for development, teaching, support, coaching, guidance and feedback.




I complete my relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements.

I complete my relevant Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements and support others in their development activities.

I complete my Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements and encourage others in CPD activities.



Document revisions

23 September 2021