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Dental Technology

The content of this Pathway has been agreed by Skills for Health. This is the only Dental Technology Apprenticeship Pathway in the Healthcare sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 25/01/2018 ACW Framework No.: FR04132

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualifications,
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off the job training

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 5 Pathway (Dental Technology) is 240 credits.

Entry requirements

Applicants to this Apprenticeship will be from different age groups, with differing backgrounds and experience.

Learners should have A level or equivalent qualifications and be employed as a trainee within a dental laboratory.

Whilst direct entry to the Pathway is possible it is very likely that applicants will have undertaken an Advanced Apprenticeship in a healthcare occupation or have comparable experience and/or qualifications.

As a guide, applicants may enter via a range of routes including from:

  • previous work in health
  • college
  • training and/or experience which may include a portfolio showing what they have done

It is an offence for employers to knowingly employ people who are barred from undertaking healthcare activities. Employers can contact the Disclosure and Barring Service to ensure that they are not doing so by asking for an enhanced disclosure and barred list check.

Apprentices on this Pathway may be subject to these checks.

Individual health sector employers may have additional employment entry requirements e.g. a current driving licence would also be an advantage (and may be necessary for some roles).

Apprentices should:

• Show enthusiasm for working in the health sector

• Be caring and compassionate

• Have literacy, numeracy and communication skills on which the apprenticeship will build

• Have a suitable level of physical fitness to perform some aspects of the job roles

• Be flexible as there may be a requirement to work shifts

Communicate effectively with service users and work colleagues

Employers also expect Apprentices to be:

  • Conscientious
  • Calm
  • Discreet
  • Respectful
  • Personable and approachable
  • Highly organised
  • Flexible enough to respond to unexpected situations as they arise.
  • Able to work effectively in a team.
  • Meticulous in carrying out their duties
  • Communicate effectively with service users and work colleagues

Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 5: Dental Technology

Level 5: Dental Technology Qualifications

Participants must achieve the following combined qualification below:

Foundation Degree in Dental Technology (FdSC)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
Cardiff Metropolitan University n/a 240 2400 Combined English-Welsh

Please see Annex1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 5: Dental Technology Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 3 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh and all Essential Skills should be contextualised to the dental sector. 

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 5: Dental Technology 1400 780
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

The total number of credits the apprentice must attain for this pathway is 240 credits.

The total on and off the job training hours for this pathway is 2180 hours.

It is anticipated that an average learner will take 36 months to complete the apprenticeship.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 3 Essential Skills Wales Communication
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
  • 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy

Other additional requirements


Job roles

Dental Technician

Dental technicians are members of the dental team who, upon prescription from a clinician, constructs custom made restorative and dental appliances. Once qualified, Dental Technicians can specialise in orthodontics, conservation, prosthodontics and maxillo-facial work.


Progression routes into:

See Entry Conditions.

Progression routes from:

Apprentices that complete this Apprenticeship pathway can register as a Dental Technician with the General Dental Council. Progression routes can include Clinical Dental Technician.

A Dental Technician is dental care professional and a member of the dental team who, upon prescription from a Dental Clinician, constructs custom made restorative and dental appliances.

Apprentices gain the new skills and learning they need to carry out these jobs as well as preparing them for future employment and career progression.

Once qualified and experienced, dental technicians can specialise in:

  • orthodontics
  • conservation (also called crown and bridge technology)
  • prosthodontics
  • maxillo-facial work.

A dental technician needs:

  • the ability to use their hands skilfully, in detailed work
  • concentration and close attention to detail
  • the ability to use a range of hand and power tools
  • some artistic ability and the imagination to adapt techniques to solve problems.

Dental technicians work as part of a team, but will also involve working independently without close supervision.

Further detailed information and advice on careers within the health sector can be found at


Equality and diversity

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.

Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.

Skills for Health expect equality, diversity and inclusion to underpin recruitment and employment of all Apprentices in the NHS and through contractual relationships with non-NHS organisations - whether they are directly employed or employed by a third party and undertake placements in NHS setting.  This can be achieved through the use of the Equality Delivery System for the NHS for NHS organisations, or similar equality delivery systems in place with non NHS employers or education providers. The use of such systems ensure that processes for recruitment and uptake are compliant with legal requirements, are fair, inclusive and transparent; that levels of pay are fairly determined; learners are free from abuse, harassment, bullying and violence, and are supported to remain healthy. Above all, Skills for Health will strive to embed equality within its internal organisational processes.

There is a gender imbalance within the health sector, which is a predominantly female workforce. All jobs are open to both males and females and are advertised accordingly. Male role models are positively promoted through marketing materials, photos and case studies. However, a perception that certain job roles are for women remains and this may prevent some males from applying to work in these job roles. Local apprenticeship programmes may be designed by employers to encourage a higher number of male applicants into these roles and into the workforce as a whole.

Our aim is to see the progression of all under-represented groups. There should be open recruitment of Apprentices to the programme, which is available to all people, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, religion or disability who meet the stated selection criteria.

Welsh language

Skills for Health recognises the principle that the Welsh and English languages should be treated on a basis of equality. Consideration should be given to those whose first language is Welsh or those who simply are able and choose to speak Welsh. Awarding Organisations, HEIs and training providers should take a proportionate approach to delivering the on programme and assessment elements of qualifications delivered in Wales in the Welsh language; based on a level of established demand to cater for both languages where needed and/or required when delivering this apprenticeship.

Employment responsibilities and rights

Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory. 



It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of the pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr

Annex 1 Dental Technology Level 5

Foundation Degree in Dental Technology – FdSc

There are 12 modules in total and all modules are compulsory. Study is undertaken at two levels. Students can only progress from the first level to the second level upon successful completion of all modules in the preceding level.

The syllabus is structured to include the General Dental Council's requirements for registration as a Dental Technician.

The programme consists of Levels 4 and 5, totalling 240 credits, spread over three years (split into 80 credits per academic year). Hence, Level 4 is completed by the end of semester 1 of year 2, and level 5 commences at the beginning of semester 2 in year 2. Additionally, the intake is always September for students commencing at level 4.

All modules are 20 credits

Year One:

Fixed Prosthodontics A

Dental Anatomy and Physiology

Removable Prosthodontics A

Preparing for Practice and Work Based Learning A

Year Two:

Removable Prosthodontics B

Preparing for Practice and Work Based Learning B

Removable Orthodontics

Applied Dental Materials

Year Three

Removable Prosthodontics C

CAD/CAM in Dentistry

Fixed Prosthodontics B

Preparing for Practice and Work Based Learning C

Document revisions

30 November 2021