The content of these Pathways have been agreed by Lantra. These are the only Environmental Conservation Apprenticeship Pathways in the Agriculture & Environment sector approved for use in Wales that are eligible for Medr funding.
ISSUE DATE: 31/03/2020 ACW Framework No.: FR05035
Learning Programme Content
The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:
- Qualifications,
- Essential Skills
- On/off the job training
The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Environmental Conservation is 59 credits.
The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Environmental Conservation 79 credits.
Duration of the Apprenticeship
During the review of the Environmental Conservation Apprenticeships it has been agreed with the industry that the duration needs to be flexible to accommodate differing learning needs of apprentices. Therefore the duration of the Foundation Apprenticeship is now 12 - 24 months (flex) and the Apprenticeship is 12 - 24 months (flex).
Entry requirements
Level 2: Environmental Conservation
There are no specific entry requirements to enter the Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Environmental Conservation, however, there are qualifications or experience that will help learners understand the sector prior to starting, such as:
- Level 1 Award in Practical Environmental and Conservation Skills
- Level 1 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation
- Voluntary experience within the environmental conservation industry
- Have previously worked in, or are currently working within, the industry
Learners who have completed the Welsh Baccalaureate may have completed units or short courses which will provide underpinning knowledge towards the Foundation Apprenticeship, this will be assessed during an initial assessment allowing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) where appropriate.
Level 3: Environmental Conservation
The environmental conservation industry wants the entry requirements for the Apprenticeship in Environmental Conservation to be flexible, which could include the following:
- NVQ Level 2 in Environmental Conservation
- Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation
- Level 2 Award in Practical Environmental and Conservation Skills
- Level 2 Certificate in Countryside and Environment
- Practical experience within the environmental conservation industry
- 3 GCSEs (A*-C)/A levels
- and additionally, one of the following:
- Level 1 Award in Practical Environmental and Conservation Skills
- Level 1 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation
Learners who have completed the Welsh Baccalaureate may have completed units or short courses which will provide underpinning knowledge towards the Apprenticeship, this will be assessed during an initial assessment allowing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) where appropriate.
(There are many qualifications within environmental conservation, those named above are a few suggestions).
Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)
Level 2: Environmental Conservation
Level 2: Environmental Conservation Qualifications
Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.
Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation (QCF) | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
City & Guilds | C00/0200/3 500/9062/8 | 37 | 370 | Competence | English Only |
Level 2 Award in Business for the Environment and Land-based Sector (QCF) | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
City & Guilds | C00/0284/6 500/9311/3 | 10 | 100 | Knowledge | English Only |
Essential Skills Wales (ESW)
Level 2: Environmental Conservation | Level | Minimum Credit Value |
Communication | 1 | 6 |
Application of number | 1 | 6 |
On/Off the Job training
Pathway | Minimum On the Job Training Hours | Minimum Off the Job Training Hours |
Level 2: Environmental Conservation | 1292 | 323 |
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
47 credits for the completion of the competence and knowledge qualifications.
As the duration of the Foundation Apprenticeship is flexible the total amount of learning hours, which includes both on and off the job training, will also vary. This will be between 1615 hours for 12 months and 3230 hours for 24 months.
On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
6 credits/45 GLH for Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
6 credits/45 GLH for Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
Level 3: Environmental Conservation
Level 3: Environmental Conservation Qualifications
Participants must achieve the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.
Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation (QCF) | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
City & Guilds | C00/0981/4 500/9054/9 | 57 | 570 | Competence | English Only |
Level 3 Award in Business Management for the Environment and Land-Based Sector | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
City & Guilds | C00/0201/9 500/9232/7 | 10 | 100 | Knowledge | English Only |
Essential Skills Wales (ESW)
Level 3: Environmental Conservation | Level | Minimum Credit Value |
Communication | 2 | 6 |
Application of number | 2 | 6 |
On/Off the Job training
Pathway | Minimum On the Job Training Hours | Minimum Off the Job Training Hours |
Level 3: Environmental Conservation | 1292 | 323 |
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
67 credits for the completion of the competence and knowledge qualifications.
As the duration of the Apprenticeship is flexible the total amount of learning hours, which includes both on and off the job training, will also vary. This will be between 1615 hours for 12 months and 3230 hours for 24 months.
On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
6 credits/45 GLH for Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
6 credits/45 GLH for Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
Other additional requirements
Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship
For the Foundation Apprenticeship the Environmental Conservation industry has requested the completion of three of the following Additional Employment Requirements, one Mandatory and two Optional. These additional employment requirements will enhance the Apprenticeship and facilitate employment within the industry.
Additional Employment Requirements are not required for certification and may not be funded.
- Emergency First Aid (one-day course meeting the requirements outlined by Health and Safety Executive HSE)
Two other accredited, legislative or nationally recognised occupational tests relevant to the industry (suggested list below):
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Safe Use of Pesticides (PA1 + PA2 or PA6)
- Ride on Mower
- Level 2 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling
Recommended but not mandatory:
- Organisational skills
- Administration skills
- Computer literacy skills
Level 3 Apprenticeship
For the Apprenticeship the Environmental Conservation industry has requested the completion of three of the following Additional Employment Requirements, one Mandatory and two Optional. These additional employment requirements will enhance the Apprenticeship and facilitate employment within the industry. Additional Employment Requirements are not required for certification and may not be funded.
Note: If an apprentice has previously achieved the Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship, it is recommended that they take different courses.
- Emergency First Aid (one-day course meeting the requirements outlined by Health and Safety Executive HSE)
Two other accredited, legislative or nationally recognised occupational tests relevant to the industry (suggested list below):
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Safe Use of Pesticides (PA1 + PA2 or PA6)
- Ride on Mower
- Chainsaw maintenance and operation
- Safe use of strimmers/brush cutters
- ATV driving
- Tractor driving
- Driving with a trailer
- Manual handling
- Level 3 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling
Recommended but not mandatory:
- Organisational skills
- Administration skills
- Computer literacy skills
Job roles
The types of jobs available include:
Level 2: Environmental Conservation
Estate Worker
Boundary Installer
Heritage Worker
Level 3: Environmental Conservation
Access/ Recreation
Interpretation Officer
Senior Estate Worker
Management Officer
Level 2: Environmental Conservation
The Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Environmental Conservation is increasingly valued as an entry route into the industry.
Progression opportunities onto the Environmental Conservation Foundation Apprenticeship also exist for adult learners who have experience within the environmental conservation industry or who are looking for a career change.
Apprentices successfully completing the Foundation Apprenticeship have opportunities to progress within the industry by progressing onto the Apprenticeship in Environmental Conservation or other Further Education courses such as:
- Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation
- Level 3 Certificate in Environmental Sustainability
- Level 3 Award in Principles of Developing Environmental and Land-based Projects
- Level 3 Extended Diploma/Diploma in Environmental Conservation.
- Level 3 Certificate in Dry Stone Walling
Typical jobs apprentices will be able to progress onto on completion of the Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship will depend on the qualifications and experience gained during the Foundation Apprenticeship but could include:
Warden/Countryside Warden, Estate Worker, Heritage Worker, Operational Delivery, Banksman, Boundary Installer.
Following the successful completion of the Foundation Apprenticeship, there are many opportunities available, which could include specialising within the profession, completing other vocational courses or progressing into Further and/or Higher Education.
Level 3: Environmental Conservation
The environmental conservation industry increasingly values the Level 3 Apprenticeship as an entry/progression route into the industry.
From the Foundation Apprenticeship there is direct progression onto Level 3, or learners may progress straight onto the Apprenticeship from another programme.
Progression opportunities onto the Environmental Conservation Apprenticeship also exist for adult learners who have experience within the environmental conservation industry or who are looking for a career change.
Following the successful completion of the Apprenticeship, there are many opportunities available which could include specialising within the profession, completing other vocational courses or progressing into Further and/or Higher Education. Examples of courses available across Wales and the UK include:
- BSc Environmental Conservation
- Fd Conservation and Countryside Management
- Fd Environmental Conservation
- BSc Conservation Biology
- BSc Wildlife Management.
For apprentices who wish to continue their development of skills and qualifications beyond Degree level, opportunities exist to progress further, such as a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or a Master's Degree (MSc or MRes), including:
- MRes Ecology
- PGDip/MSc Conservation and Land Management.
Some useful websites to visit regarding Higher Education are, or, both of these have information about courses and providers along with specific information on entry requirements.
Apprentices looking to progress in their employment from the Apprenticeship may be able to work towards managerial positions such as ecologist, property/estates manager or senior conservation officer.
Progression will be dependent on the qualification and experience an individual possesses, as achievement alone of the Level 3 Apprenticeship does not guarantee entry to these opportunities.
Equality and diversity
It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.
The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.
Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.
The environmental conservation industry employees are mainly males (81%), which is higher than the Wales' average at 71%. Whilst the industry doesn’t preclude females from working in the sector, it is suggested that the imbalance is due to an out-dated perception of environmental conservation employment as traditionally a male dominated industry despite many roles in environmental conservation being carried out by females. It is interesting to note that Further Education enrolments onto Environmental Conservation related learning programmes are also mainly male at an average of 60% compared with work-based learning enrolments 50%.
There are wide range of hands-on roles for people of all ages and abilities together with an increasing need for skilled managerial, high-tech and specialist people.
There are environmental conservation opportunities in areas including habitat and species management, countryside recreation, dry stone walling planning and parks, and even dealing with international issues such as climate change. These opportunities exist in a range of organisation from government departments to local authorities, charities and the voluntary sector. Employers are looking for employees who show enthusiasm and have basic employability skills such as team working and communication skills.
There are no actual barriers to recruitment into the industry. There may be some physical restrictions in parts of the environmental conservation industry especially while working in varying habitats and some requirement for physical work. This should not rule anyone out as there may be opportunities elsewhere in the industry.
Resolutions and further work:
The units within the Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation have been written in collaboration with partner awarding organisations to ensure that they are free from bias, accessible to all apprentices and are applicable to a wide range of roles and businesses within Environmental Conservation. Because of the diverse nature of the Environmental Conservation sector the Diploma in Work-based Environmental Conservation has been developed from these units to allow maximum flexibility and choice within the rules of combination.
Lantra will work with the Environmental Conservation Industry to promote the need for skilled managerial, high-tech and specialist people. This will also take into account the need to increase female and Black Asian and Minority Ethnic participation in the industry. Activities will include:
- Increasing the awareness of the Environmental Conservation Level 2 and 3 Apprenticeship with specific promotions, in particular focusing on under-represented groups such as females.
- Increasing marketing and communications highlighting the opportunities to a wide range of careers within and related to the sector.
- Using Lantra’s careers web pages to inform careers advisors and apprentices of the opportunities available in the industry.
Employment responsibilities and rights
Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory. But it is recommended that all apprentices (especially the 16 years -18 year group) receive a company induction programme.
It is the responsibility of the Training Provider/Employer to ensure that the requirements of this Pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.
Further information may be obtained from: Medr