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Warehousing and Storage

The content of these Pathways have been agreed by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI). These are the only Warehousing and Storage Apprenticeship Pathways in the Automotive, Transport & Logistics sector approved for use in Wales that are eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 11/04/2019 ACW Framework No.: FR04427

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualifications,
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off the job training

The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Warehousing and Storage is 43 credits.


Entry requirements

Level 2:  Warehousing and Storage - Warehouse Operative

There are no specific entry requirements however Employers seek to attract applicants who have a keen interest in working in a warehousing business in the logistics sector. They must be willing to work shifts, as part of a team and be good timekeepers. Employers are also interested in applicants who have basic literacy and numeracy skills on which this Foundation Apprenticeship will build.

 Applicants to this Foundation Apprenticeship will be a mix of age and experience. As a guide, applicants may come from a range of routes including:

  • Work or work experience
  • Training and/or experience which could include a portfolio showing what they have done
  • Any of the Essential Skills Wales or Wider Key Skills
  • Welsh Baccalaureate including the Principal Learning Qualification for Retail Business which has logistics content
  • Vocational or academic qualification(s)



Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 2: Warehousing and Storage- Warehouse Operative

Level 2: Warehousing and Storage- Warehouse Operative Qualifications

Participants must achieve one of the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 2: Warehousing and Storage- Warehouse Operative Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 1 6
Application of number 1 6

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 2: Warehousing and Storage- Warehouse Operative 98 223
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

26 credits for competence and knowledge - Level 2 Certificate in Warehousing and Storage (Combined)

The total amount of learning hours which includes both on and off-the-job training for the Warehouse Operative Foundation Apprenticeship is 321.

On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

6 credits/55 GLH for Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication

6 credits/55 GLH for Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number

Other additional requirements



Progression from this Level 2 Apprenticeship:

 Foundation Apprenticeships/Apprenticeships in any of the following:

  • Foundation Apprenticeship in Team Leading
  • Logistics Operations Apprenticeship
  • Warehousing and Storage Apprenticeship
  • Driving Goods Vehicles Apprenticeship

Into a job as a Warehouse Operations Team Member or with further development and training e.g. in-house/external development programme (CPD) accredited/non accredited into the following jobs at level 3:

  • Team Leader
  • Warehouse Manager
  • Transport Manager

 After further training and development for those who choose to do so:

  • Foundation degree in logistics, transport planning, logistics operations and administration. visit


Equality and diversity

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.

The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.

Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.

The Logistics sector workforce is predominantly white male and despite progress in recent years, females, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups and people with a learning difficulty or disability are not being attracted to the industry and the ageing workforce means that more people are required to fill a range of logistics roles.

The Warehousing Industry, however, attracts more women as there are opportunities for part time work and flexible shift working.

Awareness of Logistics as a profession is being raised through the Welsh Baccalaureate Principal Learning Qualification in Retail Business, which has logistics content and through promotional leaflets aimed at 14 – 19 year olds in schools. Amongst these leaflets is “Getting more girls into Logistics and Retail” which will help to promote the range of jobs in logistics. Other initiatives which aim to attract applicants from a diverse population developed by Skills for Logistics are:

Apprenticeships are seen as a vital route to encourage, and facilitate, a greater diversity of individuals into the industry and action plans are in place to increase the number of apprenticeships by a minimum of 10% each year.

Actions to widen participation and increase diversity in the Logistics workforce include:

  • flexible entry conditions to attract a wide range of applicants;
  • Incorporating guidance on initial assessment to ensure it does not discriminate against applicants to this framework;
  • Links with Jobcentre Plus, promoting logistics as a career path;
  • Promoting logistics content in the curriculum through the Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILTUK);
  • Developing an entry to employment programme aimed at difficult to reach groups;
  • Raising the profile of Logistics at careers events.

Skills for Logistics expects providers and employers to abide by the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to and promotion within the sector.

Skills for Logistics will monitor take up and achievement of all Apprenticeships and take steps to address any barriers to take up and achievement as part of our Sector Qualifications Strategy.


Employment responsibilities and rights

Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory. However ERR is required to be undertaken.

All Foundation Apprentices must receive an induction to the workplace and to the Apprenticeship programme. ERR will be covered through a separate QCF Award entitled Employee Rights and Responsibilities in the Logistics Industry, which will ensure that the Apprentices know and understands each of the nine national outcomes for ERR as follows:

  1. The range of employer and employee statutory rights and responsibilities under employment law and that employment rights can be affected by other legislation as well. This should cover the apprentice's rights and responsibilities under the Disability Discrimination Act, other relevant equalities legislation and health and safety, together with the duties of employers.
  2. Procedures and documentation which recognises and protects their relationship with their employer, including health and safety and equality and diversity training as part of the apprenticeship
  3. The range of sources and information and advice available to them on their employment rights and responsibilities, including Access to Work and Additional Learning Support
  4. The role played by their occupation in their organisation and industry.
  5. Has an informed view of the types of career pathways that are open to them.
  6. The types of representative bodies and understands their relevance to their industry and organisation and the main roles and responsibilities.
  7. Where and how to get information and advice on their industry, occupation, training and career.
  8. Can describe and work within their organisation's principles and codes of practice.
  9. Can recognise and form a view on issues of public concern that affect their organisation and industry.

A certificate of achievement of the ERR Award must be submitted to Skills for Logistics when applying for the Apprenticeship completion certificate.


It is the responsibility of the Training Provider/Employer to ensure that the requirements of this Pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr

Annex 1 - Level 2: Warehousing and Storage - Warehouse Operative

Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications

The Certificate in Warehousing and Storage at Level 2 is a combined qualification incorporating competence and knowledge, which are separately assessed.

Providers MUST ensure that Foundation Apprentices achieve at least 10 credits for competence and at least 10 credits for knowledge when selecting units to meet the requirements of the SASW.

The Pathway totals 43 credits which includes competence, knowledge, the ERR qualification and the two Essential Skills Wales of Communication and Application of Number.

This Pathway exceeds the minimum of 37 credits set by the SASW.

Total Credits for this combined qualification is 26 credits made up as follows:

Mandatory units

  • Health, Safety and Security at work (1 credit for competence and 2 for knowledge)
  •  Develop effective working relationships with colleagues in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 2 for knowledge)

 Optional Units Group 1 (2 units from this group)

  • Process orders for customers in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Assemble orders for dispatch in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Pick goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Place goods in storage in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 2 for knowledge)
  • Wrap and pack goods in logistics operations(2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)

Optional Units Group 2 (1 unit from this group)

  • Keep work areas clean in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Maintain hygiene standards in handling and storing goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Maintain the cleanliness of equipment in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)

Optional Units Group 3 (1 unit from this group)

  • Use equipment to move goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Moving and/or handling goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 2 for knowledge)
  • Use a forklift side-loader in logistics operations (1 credit for competence) Use a compact crane in logistics operations(1 credit for competence)
  • Use an industrial forklift truck in logistics operations(1 credit for competence Use a hoist in logistics operations(1 credit for competence)

 Optional Units Group 4 (1 unit from this group)

  • Check stock levels and stock records (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  •  Keep stock at required levels in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)

 Optional Units Group 5 (A minimum value of 6 credits from this group)

  • Operate equipment to perform work requirements in logistics operation (4 credits for competence and 4 for knowledge)
  • Maintain the safety and security of hazardous goods and materials in logistics operations (3 credits for competence and 3 for knowledge)
  • Receive goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge) Process returned goods in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Sort goods and materials for recycling or disposal in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Contribute to the provision of customer service in logistics operations (2 credits for competence and 1 for knowledge)
  • Supervise the receipt, storage or dispatch of goods (3 credits for competence and 3 for knowledge) Principles of food safety in logistics (1 credit for knowledge)

Document revisions

22 November 2021