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Church Ministry

The content of this Pathway has been agreed by the Steering Group. This is the only Church Ministry Apprenticeship Pathway in the Public Services sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.

ISSUE DATE: 01/05/2023 ACW Framework No. FR05080

Learning Programme Content

The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:

  • Qualification
  • Essential Skills
  • On/off the job training

The Qualification is a Level 4 certificate in Certificate of Higher Education in Workplace Mission & Ministry (Apprenticeship) accredited by University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD).  The total minimum credit value required for the Level 4 Church Ministry is 120 credits.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this pathway. However many employers will expect a high standard of literacy and numeracy e.g. GCSE grades A*-D, A Levels or a proven ability to work at this level, such as experience gained through employment or voluntary work. 

  • Trust, integrity and honesty are all characteristics valued by employers in the Church/Ministry services sector.  
  • DBS checks are essential as employees may well find themselves working with vulnerable adults and children.
  • At least 12months experience of a Church Community.

Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)

Level 4 - Church Ministry

Level 4 - Church Ministry Qualifications

Participants must achieve the combined qualification below:

Level 4 Certificate of Higher Education in Workplace Mission & Ministry (Apprenticeship)
Awarding Body Qualification No. Credit Value Total Qualification Time Combined / Competence / Knowledge Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s)
UWTSD n/a 120 720 Combined English-Welsh

Essential Skills Wales (ESW)

Level 4 - Church Ministry Level Minimum Credit Value
Communication 2 6
Application of number 2 6
Digital literacy 2 6

On/Off the Job training

Pathway Minimum On the Job Training Hours Minimum Off the Job Training Hours
Level 4 - Church Ministry 900 720
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)

Competence/qualification - 120 credits.

The total amount of training hours - which includes both on and off-the-job learning for this Pathway is 1620 training hours.

Other additional requirements

Learners will be asked to complete an Enhanced DBS at the time of registration.

Job roles

Church Ministry

The Ministry Apprentice position constitutes 18 months employment with a local church, cluster of churches or para church organisation.  It is aimed at those primarily wanting to explore a calling into full-time Christian ministry.  It will ensure you have the necessary experience and qualification (Theology - Level 4) for Christian Ministry in the local church, chaplaincy programmes, youth and children’s work and a range of other areas.

Apprentices will be working as part of a team whilst obtaining in-house theological and ministry training.  And being released to gain an off the job qualification in theology.   The words “off the job” and “in house” are used, but, much of the “off the job” qualification requires “in house” work, such as preparation for bible studies, developing publicity, engaging with social action initiatives, etc and the whole time learning to reflect on your practice.  The two elements work together and often simultaneously. 

The programme is flexible enough for it to be tailor made to different area of ministry whether that be in student ministry, children’s ministry, youth ministry, chaplaincy to schools, pastoral care, justice programmes (food programmes +), street pastors, etc.

This employment includes:

  • Working in your chosen area of ministry, undertaking general church administration.
  • Level 4 Theology Training (undertaken by St Padarns Institute and accredited by University of Wales Trinity Saint David).

You will

  • be assigned a ministry mentor who will support you in your work.
  • have the opportunity to work alongside Leaders within the church, who will provide you with invaluable teaching and practical support to help discover and develop skills and experience.
  • assist in the delivery of weekly ministry activities, as well as the pastoral care for volunteers and participants within your chosen ministry.
  • help organise and deliver church wide events, such as a church day away and evangelistic events.
  • be involved in Justice Projects such as Foodbanks and CAP Money Courses.
  • prepare and deliver talks and Bible studies.
  • serve in the life of the local church where required.


  • At agreed apprenticeship rate
  • The teaching for the Level 4 Theology qualification is free to the apprentice



Entry into this pathway may be: 

  • Via direct entry from school or college
  • From a Welsh Baccalaureate
  • Via direct entry for those already familiar with the sector


  • Opportunities to entering ministry in most mainline denominations.
  • Chaplaincy roles – schools, prisons, hospitals, care homes, etc.
  • Move into Further Education to study Theology at Level 5 and 6 and work towards a degree qualification (BTh).   

Equality and diversity

It is the policy of the Church to promote a culture of dignity, respect and fairness for all its members. Our various denominations have recognised the gifts, talents and vocations of its lay and clergy members.  However, there are clearly underrepresented groups – In its own work the Church has recognised that it does not have diversity in its ministers in four distinct areas:

  • Welsh speakers (particularly first language Welsh speakers)
  • Those from lower socio-economic areas of Wales
  • Ethnic Minorities
  • Those aged 18-25

It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.   

Training providers and employers will comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon protected characteristics.

For some time the Church had a gender misbalance.  This has been addressed in recent decades with many denominations reflecting a move to more than 60% of their employed staff (including senior leaders) being female.  The church is hopeful that it can address other diversity issues equally successfully, as it Encourage all its members, employees and others acting on its behalf to work towards the elimination of practices and attitudes which may be considered discriminatory.

Employment responsibilities and rights

While this is no longer a mandatory requirement, all potential employers and apprentices will receive a full induction programme which will include safeguarding training. 


It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of this pathway are delivered in accordance with Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.

Further information may be obtained from: Medr 

Document revisions

17 April 2023