The content of this pathway has been agreed by SkillsActive. This is the only Personal Training apprenticeship pathway in the Travel, Tourism and Leisure sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.
ISSUE DATE:01/04/2024 ACW Framework No. FR05108
Learning Programme Content
The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:
- Qualifications,
- Essential Skills
On/off the job training
The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway in Personal Training is 97 credits, with a minimum of 36 credits from the knowledge qualifications
Entry requirements
The Apprenticeship in Personal Training is designed for those who already work in the active leisure industry and wish to continue their professional development and specialise within a specific area of the sector.
Employers/training providers will devise appropriate recruitment systems and processes to determine whether candidates have or show the necessary attributes required to work within this sector. Apprentices may also need to undergo police checks for example when working with vulnerable adults and children.
Due to the wide range of courses available across the Sport, Active Leisure and Well-being sector, it is the responsibility of the Employer/Training Provider to review any qualifications that the apprentice may have previously achieved. Prior achievement at a higher level does not automatically indicate that it is a proxy qualification for any part of the framework. It is recommended that great care be taken at the initial assessment stage, to ensure the full apprenticeship framework is delivered, as required by the needs of the industry.
Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)
Level 3 - Personal Training
Level 3 - Personal Training Qualifications
Participants must achieve one of the following competence and knowledge qualifications below.
C1 - Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Personal Training | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Active IQ | C00/0232/9 500/9305/8 | 48 | 480 | Competence | English Only |
1st4Sport | C00/1091/6 601/6794/4 | 48 | 480 | Competence | English Only |
Focus Awards | C00/4981/6 601/4888/3 | 48 | 293 | Competence | English-Welsh |
K1 - Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Active IQ | C00/4779/4 | 43 | 430 | Knowledge | English Only |
1st4Sport | C00/0970/9 601/6792/0 | 36 | 360 | Knowledge | English-Welsh |
K2 - Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training (Practitioner) | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
YMCA Awards | C00/1253/8 603/2438/7 | 37 | 367 | Knowledge | English Only |
K3 - Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Active IQ | C00/0448/5 600/5105/X | 38 | 240 | Knowledge | English Only |
Focus Awards | C00/4925/0 601/7916/8 | 38 | 242 | Knowledge | English-Welsh |
K4- Level 3 Diploma in Sport, Fitness and Personal Training | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Pearson | C00/3943/2 603/4928/1 | 95 | 950 | Knowledge | English-Welsh |
K5- Level 3 Certificate in Planning and Delivering Personal Training | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Focus Awards | C00/4959/4 603/5232/2 | 41 | 280 | Knowledge | English-Welsh |
Essential Skills Wales (ESW)
Level 3 - Personal Training | Level | Minimum Credit Value |
Communication | 2 | 6 |
Application of number | 2 | 6 |
Digital Literacy is not a compulsory part of the framework. However, it is recommended that all apprentices new to digital skills, should undertake suitable learning. This could be in the form of a recognised qualification such as Essential Digital Literacy Skills.
On/Off the Job training
Pathway | Minimum On the Job Training Hours | Minimum Off the Job Training Hours |
Level 3 - Personal Training | 332 | 347 |
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
Competence qualification - 48 credits & Knowledge qualification -37 credits.
The total amount of training hours - which includes both on and off-the-job learning for this Pathway is 679 training hours.
On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
Optional Qualifications
Level 3 Award in First Aid at Work | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
RLSS UK Qualifications | C00/1223/3 603/2266/4 | 2 | 22 | Knowledge | English Only |
Level 3 Award in Supporting Pre & Postnatal Clients with Exercise and Nutrition | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
ActiveIQ | C00/4779/3 | 4 | 40 | Knowledge | English Only |
Other additional requirements
Learners may be asked to declare any criminal convictions if working with young children or vulnerable adults.
Job roles
Personal Trainer/Exercise Referral Professional
Learners can also progress into this apprenticeship if they are already employed in the sector and wish to develop their knowledge and skills to progress their careers. As well as those progressing into this programme from employment in a different sector as a career change.
Progression from: Level 3 Personal training
On completion of this programme, apprentices can progress into employment in a variety of roles, ranging from Personal Trainer, Management, Coaching or Elite Sports Performance depending on the pathway selected. They can also progress onto a variety of vocational and higher education qualifications allowing them to further specialise.
Equality and diversity
It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.
The Protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity.
Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.
Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.
Apprenticeships in our sector aim to promote diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion by offering a high-quality learning experience. The delivery of this programme must be in a setting free from prejudice and discrimination where all learners can contribute fully and freely and feel valued.
Information to help disabled students to understand the Equality Act has been produced by Disability Rights UK and can be found here:
All partners involved in the delivery of the apprenticeship - providers, assessment centres and employers must be committed to a policy of equal opportunities and must have a stated equal opportunities policy and procedure.
Apprenticeships should have flexible entry and progression routes into the profession which can support mid-career, career interchange and career returner opportunities. This will help talent, regardless of background or qualifications to have the opportunity to develop and thrive. This pathway therefore aims to tackle these issues.
ISSUES, BARRIERS AND ACTIONS The UK sport and recreation sector has a slightly higher proportion of males (53%) than females (47%), and a younger than average profile. Age is a particular issue for the sector where traditionally roles in the sector are occupied by those aged 16-24 with 32% in sport and recreation.
Overall, the sector is mainly white as seen across all industries in the UK economy (94 per cent of Skills Active industries compared to 91 per cent across all UK industries). Black, Asian and Minority Ethic representation is low within the sector, and the promotion of apprenticeships through engagement with appropriate partners and relevant initiatives will help to encourage redress.
By having an open access, prejudice and discrimination free recruitment process to our apprenticeship programmes, we are encouraging anyone interested from any race, religion and ethnicity to enter the sector, and in this way, we can make a small contribution to trying to ensure the underrepresented groups balance will improve over a period of time.
The sector also has a need for multi-skilled ‘all-rounders’, and flexible apprenticeships can play a crucial role in feeding talented individuals into the sector, whilst allowing employers the opportunity to shape training programmes to their needs. This sector has often been seen to have a lower level of academic attainment, in part due to it being attractive to those of a more practical nature. The work-based learning at the core of an apprenticeship is vital in assisting learners with the achievement of relevant qualifications. |
Employment responsibilities and rights
Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) are no longer a compulsory part of the framework. However, it is recommended that all apprentices (in particular, the 16 years -18 year age group) receive a full company induction programme which clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of both employers and apprentices.
It is also recommended that Apprentices (Level 3) should undertake a Level 3 Award in Employment Awareness in Active Leisure and Learning.
It is the responsibility of the Training Provider/Employer to ensure that the requirements of this pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.
Further information may be obtained from: Medr