The content of this Pathway has been agreed by Skills for Health and Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW). This is the only Pharmacy Services Apprenticeship Pathway in the Healthcare sector approved for use in Wales that is eligible for Medr funding.
ISSUE DATE: 01/09/2024 ACW Framework No.: FR05115
Learning Programme Content
The Learning Programme provision shall comprise of three mandatory elements:
- Qualifications,
- Essential Skills
- On/off the job training
The total minimum credit value required for the Level 2 Pathway Pharmacy Services is 43 credits.
The total minimum credit value required for the Level 3 Pathway Pharmacy Services is 150 credits.
Entry requirements
Applicants to this Apprenticeship will be from different age groups, with differing backgrounds and experience.
As a guide, applicants may enter via a range of routes including from:
- work
- work experience
- college
- training and/or experience which may include a portfolio showing what they have done
Applicants may have already achieved a range of qualifications eg:
- Essential Skills Wales
- Apprenticeship
- Welsh Baccalaureate (at this time there is no credit transfer)
- Welsh Baccalaureate with Principal Learning (at this time there is no credit transfer)
Personal Attributes - Employers look for health sector apprentices who are:
- Compassionate
- Honest,
- Well organised
- Conscientious
- Discreet
- Respectful
- Personable
They also expect them to:
- Be able to work in a team
- Carry out their duties meticulously
- Show enthusiasm for working in the pharmacy sector
- Have sufficient literacy, numeracy and communication skills on which the apprenticeship will build
- Have a suitable level of physical fitness to perform some aspects of the job roles
- Be willing to undergo Disclosure and Barring Service checks
- Be flexible as there may be a requirement to work rotas
Individual health sector employers may have additional employment entry requirements e.g. a current driving licence would also be an advantage (and may be necessary for some roles).
Level 3
In addition to above - Entry requirements must also meet the entry requirements set out by the General Pharmaceutical Council.
- meeting specified English language requirements (GCSE English grade A*-C, grade 4 or equivalent)
- meeting specified numeracy requirements (GCSE Maths grade A*-C, grade 4 or equivalent)
- other academic requirements or experience equivalent to national level 2 or above (such as GCSE Science grade A*-C, grade 4 or equivalent)
- the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of science suitable for entry to the course, for example, national level 2 or above (such as GCSE Science grade A*-C, grade 4 or equivalent)
- other academic requirements or experience equivalent to national level 2 or above
- taking account of good character checks (such as Disclosure and Barring Service checks, or equivalent.)
- health checks (information about conditions that may affect fitness to practise as a trainee and how such conditions could be managed).
Apprenticeship pathway learning programme(s)
Level 2: Pharmacy Services
Level 2: Pharmacy Services Qualifications
Participants must achieve the following combined qualifications below.
Level 2 Certificate in Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Support Staff | |||||
Awarding Body | Qualification No. | Credit Value | Total Qualification Time | Combined / Competence / Knowledge | Qualification Assessment Lanaguage(s) |
Pearson Edexcel | C00/4170/6 603/6166/9 | 25 | 250 | Combined | English Only |
Please see Annex 1 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.
Essential Skills Wales (ESW)
Level 2: Pharmacy Services | Level | Minimum Credit Value |
Communication | 1 | 6 |
Application of number | 1 | 6 |
Digital literacy | 1 | 6 |
Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.
On/Off the Job training
Pathway | Minimum On the Job Training Hours | Minimum Off the Job Training Hours |
Level 2: Pharmacy Services | 150 | 280 |
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
The average duration for completion of this Pathway at Level 2 is 15 months
Health (Pharmacy Services). Total 43 credits.
Combined qualification 25 credits
Essential Skills qualifications in Communication, Application of Number and Digital Literacy 18 credits
Level 2: To satisfy the requirements of this apprenticeship pathway an apprentice will need to complete a total of 430 on and off-the-job training hours over on average between 12 and 15 months.
On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Communication
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy
Level 3: Pharmacy Services
Level 3: Pharmacy Services Qualifications
Participants must achieve one of the following combined qualifications below
Please see Annex 2 for the relationship between the competence and knowledge units within the combined qualification.
Essential Skills Wales (ESW)
Level 3: Pharmacy Services | Level | Minimum Credit Value |
Communication | 2 | 6 |
Application of number | 2 | 6 |
Digital literacy | 1 | 6 |
Essential Skills Wales qualifications assessment languages are English-Welsh.
On/Off the Job training
Pathway | Minimum On the Job Training Hours | Minimum Off the Job Training Hours |
Level 3: Pharmacy Services | 715 | 965 |
On/Off the Job Qualification details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
Health (Pharmacy Services). Total credits 150.
Combined qualification 132 credits
Essential Skills qualifications in Communication, Application of Number and Digital Literacy 18 credit
Level 3: To satisfy the requirements of this apprenticeship pathway an apprentice will need to complete a total of 1680 on and off-the-job training hours over 24 months
On/Off the Job Essential Skills details (Minimum Credit & Hours)
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Communication
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 2 Essential Skills Wales Application of Number
- 6 credits/60 GLH Level 1 Essential Skills Wales Digital Literacy
Other additional requirements
Job roles
The latest version of the job roles and job descriptions for this Pathway
Level 2
Job title | Job role |
Pharmacy Support Staff | Under the supervision of a registered pharmacist or a pharmacy technician. Pharmacy Support Staff will assist in the sale of over the counter medicines, the provision of information to customers on symptoms and products, prescription receipt and collection, assembly of prescribed items and ordering, receiving, storing pharmaceutical stock, as well as several other activities within the pharmacy environment. |
Level 3
Job title | Job role |
Pharmacy Technician | Pharmacy Technicians are registered professionals working within the regulatory standards for pharmacy, as set by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). (Pharmacy Order 2010). They work in a variety of settings optimising the contribution that medicines make to producing informed and desired outcomes of patient care. |
Level 2
Progression into this Pathway
See Entry Requirements.
Progression from this Pathway
Apprentices may be able to progress to the Level 3 Level Apprenticeship in Pharmacy Services on completion of the Level 2 Foundation Apprenticeship in Pharmacy Services, to progress to a Pharmacy Technician.
Progression should not just be seen as vertical. In some instances, progressing into another role at the same level may be just as rewarding as it offers the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.
Learners may also progress from this pathway onto further qualifications specific to their work context. A wide range of qualifications are available for use within the health sector. These may include further qualifications or other work-related education and training to support Continuing Professional Development.
Apprentices who wish to progress into Higher Education are encouraged to complete GCSEs in English and Maths. GCSE qualifications are widely recognised across the Higher Education Sector and support progression into healthcare undergraduate programmes.
Further detailed information and advice on careers within the health sector can be found at:
Level 3
Progression into this Pathway
See Entry Conditions. Some apprentices may have already undertaken a level 2 Pharmacy Services Apprenticeship.
Progression from this Pathway
On completion of this pathway, learners may progress onto further qualifications specific to their work context. A wide range of qualifications are available for use within the health sector. These may include further qualifications, a range of higher education qualifications or other work-related education and training to support Continuing Professional Development.
The majority of Pharmacy Technicians work in community pharmacy both for independent pharmacies and multiple pharmacy companies. Many also work in the hospital and primary care pharmacy services both within the NHS local health boards and private hospitals.
Some Pharmacy Technicians are employed in the pharmaceutical industry, HM Prisons, GP practices and the armed forces.
There are a variety of roles for Pharmacy Technicians. Pharmacy Technicians can work in areas such as clinics, nursing homes, primary care, medicines management, manufacturing, quality control, staff training, information technology, supplies procurement, clinical trials or medicines information services.
Another role is Management of Pharmacy Services, which involves liaising with other healthcare professionals and closer contact with patients.
All Pharmacy Technicians have a requirement to meet the registration requirements of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) in order to practice. The requirements include:
- achieve an approved qualification recognised by the GPhC
- complete a minimum of two years’ relevant work‐based experience in the UK under the supervision, direction or guidance of a pharmacist or pharmacy technician to whom the applicant was directly accountable for not less than 14 hours per week.
The Level 3 Framework provides quality assured training to achieve the level of competence required by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).
Apprentices who wish to progress into Higher Education are encouraged to complete GCSEs in English and Maths. GCSE qualifications are widely recognised across the Higher Education
Sector and support progression into healthcare undergraduate programmes.
Further detailed information and advice on careers within the health sector can be found at:
Equality and diversity
It is important that apprenticeship Pathways are inclusive and can demonstrate an active approach to identifying and removing barriers to entry and progression. Pathways should advance equality of opportunity between persons who share protected characteristics and those persons who do not as identified in the Equality Act 2010.
The protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act are age, disability, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity. Marriage and civil partnership is also included although only in respect of the requirement to eliminate discrimination in employment.
Training providers and employers MUST also comply with the other duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against in terms of entry to the industry based upon those nine protected characteristics.
Employers/providers must be able to demonstrate that there are no overt or covert discriminatory practices in selection, recruitment and employment. All promotional, selection and training activities must be monitored and comply with legislation.
There is a gender imbalance within the health sector, which is a predominantly female workforce. All jobs are open to both males and females and are advertised accordingly. Male role models are positively promoted through marketing materials, photos and case studies. However, a perception that certain job roles are for women remains and this may prevent some males from applying to work in these job roles.
Local apprenticeship programmes may be designed by employers to encourage a higher number of male applicants into these roles and into the workforce as a whole.
Skills for Health is not aware of any other imbalance in the take up of this particular Pathway eg by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups. For all health apprenticeships local recruitment is encouraged to reflect the local community.
Skills for Health will monitor take up and achievement of all Apprenticeships and take steps to address any barriers to take up and achievement as part of our Sector Qualifications Strategy.
Skills for Health recognises the principle that the Welsh and English languages should be treated on a basis of equality. Consideration should be given to those whose first language is Welsh or those who simply are able and choose to speak Welsh. Awarding Bodies, employers, HEIs and training providers should take a proportionate approach to delivering the on programme and assessment elements of qualifications delivered in Wales in the Welsh language: based on a level of established demand to cater for both languages where needed and/or required when delivering this apprenticeship.
Employment responsibilities and rights
Employment Responsibilities and Rights (ERR) is no longer compulsory. But it is recommended that all apprentices (especially the 16 years -18 year group) receive a company induction programme.
It is the responsibility of the Training Provider and Employer to ensure that the requirements of this pathway are delivered in accordance with the Welsh Government/Medr Apprenticeships Guidance.
Further information may be obtained from: Medr
Annex 1 - Level 2: Pharmacy Services
Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications
Learners will need to meet the requirements of the Pearson Level 2 - Certificate in Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Support Staff before the qualification can be awarded and the Pathway achieved. This is a combined knowledge and competence qualification and has been designated by Qualifications in Wales for use in Wales.
QW Approval/Designation No: C00/4170/6
Total credits required: 25
Total qualification time (TQT): 250 hours
Annex 2 - Level 3: Pharmacy Services
Relationship between competence and knowledge qualifications
Learners will need to meet the requirements of the Level 3 - Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians before the qualification can be awarded and the Pathway achieved. This is a combined knowledge and competence qualification and has been designated by Qualifications in Wales for use in Wales.
Level 3 - Diploma in the Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians
QW Approval/Designation No: Pearson Edexcel C00/3962/0
Total credits required: 132
Total qualification time (TQT): 1320 hours
QW Approval/Designation No: NCFE/CACHE C00/4153/8
Total credits required: 132
Total qualification time (TQT): 1320 hours