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The Green Giraffe Nursery

Number of employees:
Childcare Services

Company overview

We are a high quality welsh and English, fully organic, eco-friendly Montessori style day nursery providing childcare for children from the age of 6 weeks up to 5 years old, providing a gentle, loving care approach.

Opportunities offered

Level 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Children’s Care , Learning and Development (CCLD)

What type of jobs can apprentices expect to be doing

Contributing a high standard of physical, emotional, social and intellectual care for children placed in the nursery. Working in a team to implement the daily routine in the base room. Liaise with parents and families. The preparation and completion of activities to suit the child's stage of development. To ensure that meal times are a time of pleasant social sharing. Washing and changing children as required. Ensuring a poorly child is kept calm and warm.  Providing and attending to chidlren’s basic care needs.

Benefits available

We invest wholeheartedly in our staff, supporting them to learn and grow by providing them with up-to-date training and advice and the opportunity to train with the Montessori style of teaching. Learners can grow to be excellent early years professionals and progress within the nursery.

Recruitment processes and timeframes

Frequently recruit apprentices.


2 Cathedral Road


Current vacancies

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