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Persimmon Homes East Wales

Number of employees:
East Wales, Gloucester, Hereford
Property Services

Company overview

National House builder with sites based around the East Wales area, building houses under the name of Persimmon Homes and Charles Church.

Opportunities offered

Carpentry & Brickwork

What type of jobs can apprentices expect to be doing

Carpentry — building timber frame houses, joists, roof work, 1 st and 2nd fix, final fixing

Brickwork — Setting out, building timber frame houses, traditional build houses

Benefits available


Working for a large building company


What do we look for in an applicant

Good practical skills, motivated, enthusiastic, willing to learn, enjoy working outside

How much are apprentices paid

National minimum wage

Recruitment processes and timeframes

May to August


Llantrisant Business Park

CF72 8YP

Current vacancies

If you're looking for something else, search current apprenticeship vacancies from other employers across Wales on the find an apprenticeship service .