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Tiny Rebel

Tiny Rebel
Number of employees:
Rogerstone, Newport, Cardiff.
Catering and Hospitality

Company overview

Brewery that has opened three bars in South Wales that have restaurants and merchandise stores within them.

Opportunities offered

18+ apprentices in the brewery, office and bar/kitchen.

What type of jobs can apprentices expect to be doing

Floor staff, kitchen assistants

Benefits available

On the job training, opportunities to advance in various areas of the business from media, marketing and customer service to the technicians in the brewery.

What do we look for in an applicant

Hard-working (stress this aspect), flexibility around evenings and weekends.

How much are apprentices paid

Minimum wage for age

Recruitment processes and timeframes

Have previously recruited with cooperation from colleges but have found this not to be a great experience.

Disability Inclusive

No, we are not part of the Disability Confident Scheme from the UK Department for Work and Pensions.


Tiny Rebel Brewery Bar
Wern Industrail Estate, Chartist Drive, Rogerstone

NP10 9FQ

Current vacancies

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